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[NX 8] Align identification symbol

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Jan 27, 2006
how can I align identification symbol horizontally or vertically ?

Thank you...

Using NX 8 and TC8.3
Replies continue below

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You mean like this:


If so, just select the ID symbols that you would like to align, press MB3 and select either the 'Group Horizontlly...' or 'Group Vertically...'.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
UG/NX Museum:
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Sorry John,
I talk about 'align', not 'group'.
I will ask for another ER.

Thank you...

Using NX 8 and TC8.3
this is an example of what I intend 'align'.
In NX I can add identification symbol manually or use the auto-balloon, in any case I need to reposition manually each balloon.
I'm looking for a command that align selected identification symbol at left or at top or at bottom....

Thank you...

Using NX 8 and TC8.3
Is this supported by any known drafting standard? If so, call GTAC and have them open an ER where this standard is sited as the reason that it needs to be implemented in NX Drafting.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
UG/NX Museum:
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Magnetic line is a surplus, very useful for designer, but align 'identification symbol' is present in any CAD.
If you think that any enhancement in drawing environment must be present as drawing standard, NX could stay as was at NX 6 version.
But as you can see, NX is growing following the NX user needing.
Anyway...NX 8 can't align identification symbol and for this I will add an ER.
I'm sure that NX users, reading this post are with me.

Thank you...

Using NX 8 and TC8.3
Cuba, i don't understand what it is that you cannot do?
When i drag an ID symbol it aligns to other symbols automaticly, and if the associativity switch is on connects the associativity.
But no, it cannot do this on a diagonal line.
Toost said:
When i drag an ID symbol it aligns to other symbols automaticly, and if the associativity switch is on connects the associativity.
This is the behavior I get when placing a new symbol, however if you use autoballoon then drag them to somewhere usable, I don't get the automatic alignment. I agree with Cubalibre00 that this would be a welcome enhancement.

As a good workaround, I turn on the work plane "snap to grid" setting and make the grid the same size as the ID symbol diameter. This way you can drag them around and easily align symbols. Also, the symbols don't end up associated with each other, which in my experience is usually a good thing. It is only a minor inconvenience to turn the grid and/or snap on and off as I work.

Hi cowski,
you have understand.
Add identification symbol manually can permit to use the auto-align tool, but if you move again, the auto-align tool have a strange behavior.
If I use the auto-balloon, the auto-align tool doesn't work.
Add identification symbol manually is a time looser and you don't have idea if you have forget some components.
I will add an ER.

Thank you...

Using NX 8 and TC8.3
BTW, even if you can't identify if this covered by a recognized drafting standard, you can still open an ER and it will be given consideration. HOWEVER, if you CAN site a standard, it will help in setting the appropriate priority for this ER for when it's considered relative to other ER's which will be competing for the finite R&D resources available.

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Engineering Software
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector
Cypress, CA
UG/NX Museum:
To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Ah, i missed that difference on auto ballons.
Now it gets yet stranger,..
Auto ballons can be grouped which is what Johns picture shows above, - manual ballons cannot be grouped.

Then the "mysterios stacking feature" i can't start in NX7.5. ( In NX6 when one dragged a ballon on top of another NX suddenly displayed a dashed box around both and if one released the LMB at that time the ballons were stacked and moved together.( if one dragged the "master ballon")
Dear Cubalibre00,
If you would like to play: The horizontal aligning works.

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
'Imports NXOpen.UI
Imports NXOpen.Utilities

Module Module1

' Explicit Activation
' This entry point is used to activate the application explicitly

Public theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Public theUI As UI = UI.GetUI()
Public theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Public lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow

Sub Main()

' id_symbol listazasanak meghivasa, ami tartamaz egy x koordinata szerinti rendezest es symbol mozgatas alfuggvenyeket

End Sub

' Rajz nezet lekerdezese, hogy hany darab nezet van, felhasznaljuk az id_symbols nezetenkenti kezelesekor
Function rajz_hatar() As Array
Dim dp As Integer = 0
'dp = check_for_missing_display_part()

'If dp = 1 Then
'Return 0
' End If

Dim currentDrawing As NXOpen.Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim dwgViews() As NXOpen.Tag
Dim numViews As Integer = 0
Dim viewName As String = ""
Dim vwBrdr(3) As Double
'Dim nezetek As ArrayList


theUfSession.Draw.AskViews(currentDrawing, numViews, dwgViews)


For Each currentView As NXOpen.Tag In dwgViews
theUfSession.Obj.AskName(currentView, viewName)
'lw.WriteLine("View Name: " & viewName)
'lw.WriteLine("View Name tag: " & currentView.ToString)

theUfSession.Draw.AskViewBorders(currentView, vwBrdr)


'Nezethatar bal also es jobb felso sarkanak koordinatainak lekerdezese
'lw.WriteLine("vwBrdr = " & vwBrdr(0).ToString() & ", " _
'& vwBrdr(1).ToString() & ", " _
'& vwBrdr(2).ToString() & ", " _
'& vwBrdr(3).ToString())


For hh As Integer = 0 To numViews - 1
Return dwgViews

Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
UI.GetUI().NXMessageBox.Show("Message", NXMessageBox.DialogType.[Error], ex.Message)
End Try

End Function

' Van-e megjelenitett alkatresz
Public Function check_for_missing_display_part() As Integer

Dim dispPart As Part = Nothing

dispPart = theSession.Parts.Display
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine("+++Error: " & ex.ToString())
End Try

If dispPart Is Nothing Then
lw.WriteLine("There is no current Displayed Part")
theUfSession.UF.PrintSyslog("+++ERROR: There is no current Displayed Part", _
Return 1
End If
Return 0

End Function

' id_symbols arraylist-be masolasa nezetenkent
Function id_lista() As ArrayList
'Dim symbol_tags As New ArrayList
Dim ossze_nezet As Integer = 0
If rajz_hatar() IsNot Nothing Then
If rajz_hatar().Length <> 0 Then
'lw.WriteLine(rajz_hatar.Length) 'Hany darab nezet van a rajzon
For osszes_nezet = 0 To rajz_hatar().Length - 1
lw.WriteLine("---------itt kezdodik--------") 'id_symbol-ok kezelese nezetenkent itt kezdödik
lw.WriteLine("Nezet neve" & rajz_hatar(osszes_nezet).ToString)

'Ebbe kerulnek a id_symbol-ok tag-jei, anyiszor fut ahany rajzi nezet van
Dim symbol_tags As New ArrayList

Dim idcol As Annotations.IdSymbolCollection = theSession.Parts.Work.Annotations.IdSymbols
Dim ids As Annotations.IdSymbol

Dim iEnum1 As IEnumerator = idcol.GetEnumerator()

Dim parent_view As New ArrayList

Dim koztes As Integer = 0

'Addig megy meg vegig nem jarja az osszes nezeten levo, osszes id_symbol-t
While iEnum1.MoveNext()

ids = DirectCast(iEnum1.Current, Annotations.IdSymbol)

'id_symbol tag-jenek kiiratasa
lw.WriteLine("Symbol: " & ids.Tag.ToString())

Dim idsb As Annotations.IdSymbolBuilder = idcol.CreateIdSymbolBuilder(ids)
'lw.WriteLine(" Text: " + idsb.UpperText) 'id_symbol-ban levo szoveg
'lw.WriteLine(" Origin: " & idsb.Origin.OriginPoint.ToString()) 'id_symbol(karika) kozepe
'lw.WriteLine(" Size: " & idsb.Size) 'id_symbol (karika) atmeroje

Dim lb As Annotations.LeaderBuilder = idsb.Leader
Dim ldl As Annotations.LeaderDataList = lb.Leaders
'lw.WriteLine(" Number of LeaderData: " + ldl.Length.ToString())

Dim selection1 As DisplayableObject
Dim view1 As View

Dim hatar(3) As Double

'id_symbol mutatovonalainak kezelese
For i As Integer = 0 To ldl.Length - 1
Dim ld As Annotations.LeaderData = ldl.FindItem(i)
'lw.WriteLine(" LeaderData No." & i & ": " & ld.ToString())

'lw.WriteLine(" Stub Size: " & ld.StubSize.ToString()) 'Mutatovonal tulnyulasa
'lw.WriteLine(" Stub Side: " & ld.StubSide.ToString()) 'Mutatovonal merre all
' Perpendicular as of NX7
' lw.WriteLine(" Perpendicular: " + ld.Perpendicular.ToString()); 'Mutatovonal meroleges-e
'lw.WriteLine(" Arrowhead: " & ld.Arrowhead.ToString()) 'Mutatovonal nyilveg

'Melyik nezetre mutat az id_symbol
Dim point1 As Point3d
ld.Leader.GetValue(selection1, view1, point1)
'lw.WriteLine(" Leader view: " & view1.Name)
'lw.WriteLine(" Leader view type: " + view1.GetType().ToString())
'lw.WriteLine(" Leader point: " & point1.ToString())

'Ha a mutatovonal nezete megegyezik a rajz_hatar-ban levo nezettel, akkor beleteszi
If view1.Tag = rajz_hatar(osszes_nezet).ToString Then
End If

'id_symbol melyik koordinatara mutat
If (view1.GetType().ToString() <> "NXOpen.View") Then
Dim model_pt(2) As Double
model_pt(0) = point1.X
model_pt(1) = point1.Y
model_pt(2) = point1.Z
Dim map_pt(1) As Double

theUfSession.View.MapModelToDrawing(view1.Tag, model_pt, map_pt)
'lw.WriteLine(" Mapped Leader point: X=" & map_pt(0).ToString() & " ,Y= " & map_pt(1).ToString())
End If

'id_symbol-nak hany torese van és hol
'lw.WriteLine(" Number of jogs: " & ld.Jogs.Size.ToString())
Dim jogs As SelectObject() = ld.Jogs.GetSelectObjectArray()
For Each jog As SelectObject In jogs
'lw.WriteLine(" Jog: " & jog.ToString())
Dim selection2 As TaggedObject
Dim view2 As View
Dim point2 As Point3d
jog.GetValue(selection2, view2, point2)
'lw.WriteLine(" Jog point: " & point2.ToString())



'lw.WriteLine(" Number of Associativities: " + ids.NumberOfAssociativities.ToString())
For i As Integer = 1 To ids.NumberOfAssociativities
Dim assoc As Annotations.Associativity = ids.GetAssociativity(i)
'lw.WriteLine(" Assoc No." & i & ": " & assoc.ToString())
'lw.WriteLine(" ObjectView : " + assoc.ObjectView.Name)

Dim obj As NXObject = assoc.FirstObject
If obj Is Nothing Then
'lw.WriteLine(" FirstObject : null")
'lw.WriteLine(" FirstObject : " & obj.ToString())
'lw.WriteLine(" Owning Part: " + obj.OwningPart.FullPath)
If obj.IsOccurrence Then
'lw.WriteLine(" Owning Component: " + obj.OwningComponent.Name)
End If
End If

End While

'Ez csak egy visszaellenorzes lenne, hany eleme van a tombnek
Dim ii As Integer
For ii = 0 To symbol_tags.Count - 1

'rendezes alfuggveny meghivasa: symbol_tags elemeit rendezi azok map_x-e alapjan
lw.WriteLine("----------------itt a vege------------------------")


'Hiba kezeles
Dim ex As String = "There is no drawing view"
UI.GetUI().NXMessageBox.Show("Message", NXMessageBox.DialogType.[Error], ex)

Return Nothing
End If
End If
End Function

'symbol_tags arraylist elemeinek rendezese, azok map_x ertekei szerint novekvoben
Public Function rendezes(ByRef rend As ArrayList) As ArrayList

If rend.Count <> 0 Then

'Csak ellenorzesre, mennyi tomb elem van
lw.WriteLine("id_lista hossza: " & rend.Count)

' Tipusanak, altipusanak lekerdezese
'Dim type As Integer
'Dim subtype As Integer
'theUfSession.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(rend_elem, Type, subtype)
'lw.WriteLine(" Type: " & Type.ToString())
'lw.WriteLine(" Subtype: " & subtype.ToString())

Dim map_x As New ArrayList
Dim origin_x As New ArrayList

Dim rend_elem As NXOpen.Tag

For rend_c As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
'String konvertálása Tag-ge
rend_elem = CType(rend.Item(rend_c), NXOpen.Tag)

Dim idcol As Annotations.IdSymbolCollection = theSession.Parts.Work.Annotations.IdSymbols
'Tag konvertalasa Nxobject-te
Dim ids As Annotations.IdSymbol = NXObjectManager.Get(rend_elem)
Dim idsb As Annotations.IdSymbolBuilder = idcol.CreateIdSymbolBuilder(ids)

lw.WriteLine(" Rend Text: " + idsb.UpperText) 'id_symbol szovege
lw.WriteLine(" Rend Origin: " & idsb.Origin.OriginPoint.ToString()) 'id_symbol (karika) kozepe
'lw.WriteLine(" Rend Size: " & idsb.Size) 'id_symbol (karika) merete

'Kozeppontokat beleteszi egy tombe, nincs ra szukseg

Dim lb As Annotations.LeaderBuilder = idsb.Leader
Dim ldl As Annotations.LeaderDataList = lb.Leaders
Dim selection1 As DisplayableObject
Dim view1 As View

'Mutatovonal lekerdezese
For i As Integer = 0 To ldl.Length - 1
Dim ld As Annotations.LeaderData = ldl.FindItem(i)

Dim point1 As Point3d

ld.Leader.GetValue(selection1, view1, point1)
'lw.WriteLine(" Leader view: " & view1.Name) 'Nezet neve
lw.WriteLine("---Leader view tag: " & view1.Tag) 'Nezet tag-je
lw.WriteLine("Stub size: " & ld.StubSize.ToString()) 'Mutatovonal tulnyulasa

If (view1.GetType().ToString() <> "NXOpen.View") Then
Dim model_pt(2) As Double
model_pt(0) = point1.X
model_pt(1) = point1.Y
model_pt(2) = point1.Z
Dim map_pt(1) As Double

theUfSession.View.MapModelToDrawing(view1.Tag, model_pt, map_pt)
'Melyik pontra mutat a mutatovonal
lw.WriteLine(" Mapped Leader point: X=" & map_pt(0).ToString() & " ,Y= " & map_pt(1).ToString())
'A pontok x koordinatait teszi egy tombe, e szerint lesz majd a rendezes

End If


'Csak ellenorzeskent, x koordinatak es hozzatartozo id_symbol tag-ek kiirasa
For mx As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
lw.WriteLine("mx lista rendezesnel: " & map_x.Item(mx))
lw.WriteLine("rend lista rendezesnel: " & rend.Item(mx))

'rendezes: mapped pontoke es a rend tombe
Dim v, vv As Integer
Dim temp, wtemp As Double
vv = 0
'temp = 0

For v = 0 To rend.Count - 2
For vv = v + 1 To rend.Count - 1
lw.WriteLine(vv & "----" & map_x.Item(v) & "---" & map_x.Item(vv))
If CDbl(map_x.Item(v)) > CDbl(map_x.Item(vv)) Then 'Ha nem CDbl, akkor nem rendez jól
'x koordinatak rendezese
temp = map_x.Item(v).ToString
map_x.Item(v) = map_x.Item(vv).ToString
map_x.Item(vv) = temp
'id_symbol tag-ek rendezese a fentivel parhuzamosan
wtemp = rend.Item(v).ToString
rend.Item(v) = rend.Item(vv).ToString
rend.Item(vv) = wtemp
End If

'Csak ellenorzesre, hogy mindket tombe megtortent a rendezes
For ww As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
lw.WriteLine("rend lista: " & rend.Item(ww))


'Szerettem volna nezet jobb oldala menten lefele is rendezni

'A berendezett id_symbolok nezet tetejere mozgatasa

Return rend
Dim ex As String = "There is no id symbol."
UI.GetUI().NXMessageBox.Show("Message", NXMessageBox.DialogType.[Error], ex)
End If

End Function

'Szerettem volna nezet jobb oldala menten lefele is rendezni, most nem kel
Public Function rendezes_plusz(ByRef rend As ArrayList) As ArrayList

Dim map_x_p As New ArrayList
Dim origin_x_p As New ArrayList
Dim idsb_p_size As New ArrayList
Dim stub_size As New ArrayList
Dim rend_elem_p As NXOpen.Tag

For rend_c_p As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
'String konvertálása Tag-ge
rend_elem_p = CType(rend.Item(rend_c_p), NXOpen.Tag)

Dim idcol As Annotations.IdSymbolCollection = theSession.Parts.Work.Annotations.IdSymbols
'Tag konvertalasa Nxobject-te
Dim ids As Annotations.IdSymbol = NXObjectManager.Get(rend_elem_p)
Dim idsb As Annotations.IdSymbolBuilder = idcol.CreateIdSymbolBuilder(ids)

lw.WriteLine(" Rend plusz Text: " + idsb.UpperText)
lw.WriteLine(" Rend plusz Origin: " & idsb.Origin.OriginPoint.ToString())
lw.WriteLine(" Rend plusz Size: " & idsb.Size)

Dim lb As Annotations.LeaderBuilder = idsb.Leader
Dim ldl As Annotations.LeaderDataList = lb.Leaders
Dim selection1 As DisplayableObject
Dim view1 As View

For i As Integer = 0 To ldl.Length - 1
Dim ld As Annotations.LeaderData = ldl.FindItem(i)

Dim point1 As Point3d

ld.Leader.GetValue(selection1, view1, point1)
'lw.WriteLine(" Leader view: " & view1.Name)
lw.WriteLine("---Plusz Leader view tag: " & view1.Tag)
'lw.WriteLine("Stub size: " & ld.StubSize.ToString())

If (view1.GetType().ToString() <> "NXOpen.View") Then
Dim model_pt_p(2) As Double
model_pt_p(0) = point1.X
model_pt_p(1) = point1.Y
model_pt_p(2) = point1.Z
Dim map_pt_p(1) As Double

theUfSession.View.MapModelToDrawing(view1.Tag, model_pt_p, map_pt_p)
lw.WriteLine(" Plusz Mapped Leader point: X=" & map_pt_p(0).ToString() & " ,Y= " & map_pt_p(1).ToString())

End If


Dim csere As Double
Dim rend_c_p_w As Integer = 0
'While rend_c_p_w < rend.Count - 1
For rend_c_p As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 2
lw.WriteLine("rend__p: " & rend_c_p)

If map_x_p.Item(rend_c_p + 1) < origin_x_p.Item(rend_c_p) + idsb_p_size.Item(rend_c_p) / 2 + stub_size.Item(rend_c_p) Then
lw.WriteLine("c_p_1: " & map_x_p.Item(rend_c_p + 1) & "--------" & "rend_c_p: " & map_x_p.Item(rend_c_p))
csere = rend.Item(rend_c_p + 1)
rend.Item(rend_c_p + 1) = rend.Item(rend_c_p)
rend.Item(rend_c_p) = csere
End If

'End While

For ww As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
lw.WriteLine("rend plusz lista: " & rend.Item(ww))


End Function

'id_symbols mozgatasa nezetenek bal felso sarkatol x menten
Public Function mozgatas(ByRef rend As ArrayList)

'Csak ellenorzesre, hogy mi van a tombe
lw.WriteLine("id_lista hossza: " & rend.Count)
For ww As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
lw.WriteLine("rend lista mozgatasnal: " & rend.Item(ww))

Dim mozgat_elem As NXOpen.Tag

Dim koztes As Integer = 0
Dim parent_view As New ArrayList
Dim osszes_nezet As Integer = 0
Dim mozgat_c_y As Integer = 0
'Dim k As Integer = 0

For mozgat_c As Integer = 0 To rend.Count - 1
'String konvertálása Tag-ge
mozgat_elem = CType(rend.Item(mozgat_c), NXOpen.Tag)
lw.WriteLine("mozgatas_elem ctype_nal: " & "mozgat_elem: " & mozgat_elem & "mozgat_c: " & mozgat_c)

Dim idcol As Annotations.IdSymbolCollection = theSession.Parts.Work.Annotations.IdSymbols
'Tag konvertalasa Nxobject-te
Dim ids_m As Annotations.IdSymbol = NXObjectManager.Get(mozgat_elem)
Dim idsb_m As Annotations.IdSymbolBuilder = idcol.CreateIdSymbolBuilder(ids_m)

Dim lb As Annotations.LeaderBuilder = idsb_m.Leader
Dim ldl_m As Annotations.LeaderDataList = lb.Leaders
'lw.WriteLine(" Number of LeaderData: " + ldl.Length.ToString())

Dim selection1 As DisplayableObject
Dim view1 As View

Dim hatar(3) As Double
Dim meret_a As Double = 0
Dim id_meret As Double = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To ldl_m.Length - 1
Dim ld As Annotations.LeaderData = ldl_m.FindItem(i)
Dim point1 As Point3d

ld.Leader.GetValue(selection1, view1, point1)
lw.WriteLine(" Leader view: " & view1.Name)
lw.WriteLine("---Leader view tag: " & view1.Tag)

'Rosszat olvas view scale-be, id meretet a scale aranyaban szerettem volna csokkenteni
'id_meret = idsb_m.Size
'lw.WriteLine("id_meret" & id_meret & "scale " & view1.Scale)
'meret_a = view1.Scale
'idsb_m.Size = id_meret * meret_a
'lw.WriteLine("id_size" & idsb_m.Size)

lw.WriteLine("parent_view tomb:" & parent_view.Count)

'rajz nezethataranak lekerdezese
theUfSession.Draw.AskViewBorders(view1.Tag, hatar)

' Erre a pontra igazítja az összeset kell a Commit, hogy végrehajtsa
Dim tav As Integer
tav = idsb_m.Size * 1.7

Dim ox As Point3d
ox.Z = 0

ox.X = hatar(0) + tav * mozgat_c
ox.Y = hatar(3) + idsb_m.Size / 2
idsb_m.Origin.Origin.SetValue(selection1, view1, ox)

If ld.StubSide.ToString() = "Left" Then
ld.StubSide = Annotations.LeaderSide.Right
End If

'Ami nem fér el a nezet felett, az menne a jobb oldalán lefelé
'If ox.X > idsb_m.Origin.OriginPoint.X.ToString() Then
'lw.WriteLine("y-ba" & ox.X & "--" & idsb_m.Origin.OriginPoint.X.ToString())
'ox.X = hatar(2) + idsb_m.Size / 3 * 4
'ox.Y = hatar(3) - idsb_m.Size * 1.2 * mozgat_c_y
'idsb_m.Origin.Origin.SetValue(selection1, view1, ox)
'lw.WriteLine("oy: " & ox.Y)
'mozgat_c_y = mozgat_c_y + 1

'If ld.StubSide.ToString() = "Right" Then
'ld.StubSide = Annotations.LeaderSide.Left
'End If
'End If

'lw.WriteLine("szoveg: " & idsb_m.UpperText)

'Ez kell, hogy mozgassa is
Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
nXObject1 = idsb_m.Commit()


Return 0
End Function

Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

'----Other unload options-------
'Unloads the image when the NX session terminates
'GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.AtTermination

'Unloads the image explicitly, via an unload dialog
'GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Explicitly

End Function

End Module

Attila Szepesi
support engineer
graphIT Ltd.
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