When I am correcting in one assembly, I have the habit of keeping the previous version of that assembly in another CATIA program for reference purpose. One day, I have mistakenly opened the same working file second time in the second Catia and found that it also editable mode. Normally , in Auto cad and solid works, we cannot open the file in editable mode two times simultaneously. i.e. when we have opened in one program we can not open the same file in editable mode in another program in the same PC. But, in catia, the same file opened in writable mode. I saved the second file by mistake. It save all read only children in read/write access mode. Due to this, I unable to check in to smart team. Then, I deleted all children and freshly downloaded from smart team and checked in.
Kindly suggest any control is available in Catia through OPTIONS SETTING that the file should be open in read only mode when already opened.
Kindly suggest any control is available in Catia through OPTIONS SETTING that the file should be open in read only mode when already opened.