- Jan 8, 2003
- 1,063
I have not done a lot of drawings with ordinate dimensioning until my current contract. I sort of developed my own methodology that makes it easy to change the baseline and have all the dimensions update with out getting purple dimensions. What I do is create datum planes in the model that have no dependant objects other than the drawing dims.
I was making a new drawing rev and was asked to change an existing drawing to use the outside wall of a part as the datum instead of the center of the part. By dimensioning to the datums I was able to easily change the datum's placement and get all the ordinate dimensions to update properly.
I had tried doing a edit references replace feature as a test and although it asks if you want to reroute the current feat or all children when all children is selected the drawing dim reference doesn't change. This is not really a problem as long as the plane used has no children you can just redefine it to change location.
Another thing I'm curious about is the switch to ordinate option in Show/Erase dialog. I've tried this before but it only seems to work if the feature was dimensioned to a baseline which would make the switch to option only semi-useful.
I'd like like to here from some other users on their experiences and drawing techniques used for ordinate dimensioning similar to the ones I've described. Or thoughts on the technique I'm using.
I have not done a lot of drawings with ordinate dimensioning until my current contract. I sort of developed my own methodology that makes it easy to change the baseline and have all the dimensions update with out getting purple dimensions. What I do is create datum planes in the model that have no dependant objects other than the drawing dims.
I was making a new drawing rev and was asked to change an existing drawing to use the outside wall of a part as the datum instead of the center of the part. By dimensioning to the datums I was able to easily change the datum's placement and get all the ordinate dimensions to update properly.
I had tried doing a edit references replace feature as a test and although it asks if you want to reroute the current feat or all children when all children is selected the drawing dim reference doesn't change. This is not really a problem as long as the plane used has no children you can just redefine it to change location.
Another thing I'm curious about is the switch to ordinate option in Show/Erase dialog. I've tried this before but it only seems to work if the feature was dimensioned to a baseline which would make the switch to option only semi-useful.
I'd like like to here from some other users on their experiences and drawing techniques used for ordinate dimensioning similar to the ones I've described. Or thoughts on the technique I'm using.