Hi all, I have a couple of questions regarding the effective bearing area, and foundation depth for pad foundations.
1. With regard to the critical depth of the pad foundation. I have concluded the following, and was wondering if this seems reasonable, or are there other methods that can be applied.
1. With regard to the critical depth of the pad foundation. I have concluded the following, and was wondering if this seems reasonable, or are there other methods that can be applied.
- For the bending moment, if the required steel area (number and diameter of re-bar) is reasonable, i.e. doesn't require re-bar every few centimeters
- The shear and punching shear stresses are not exceeded.
- By projecting the column area at a 45deg angle down to the bottom face of the foundation, we get an effective bearing pressure, I have seen it suggested that this area that should be used to determine the bearing pressure. But if we take a raft foundation as an example this is not the case. So my question is:
- What are the criteria that should be met before we can assume that the pressure at the bottom of the foundation is distributed uniformly over the entire base.
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