- Dec 16, 1999
- 6,868
A waterline was broken in our private street by a contractor. This resulted in a significant flood which saturated the road subgrade. The next day, the asphalt pavement rose about 3 inches vertically while the curb and gutter stayed in place. I suspect this was due to the expansive clay soils in the area. City repaired the broken watermain and all trenches were patched with temporary cold mix. This has been about a month ago and the pavement is still above the adjacent gutter by about 2 inches. Cracking is present which could be attributed to the movement of the slab. Homeowners association would like to require the City to repair it now, but I'm not sure how this can be done successfully. If it is repaired now, wouldn't the subgrade eventually dry, shrink and subside thus requiring the street to be repaired again in the future? Getting the City to come back again later would likely be difficult at best. Any suggestions as to how to repair the road?