- Feb 12, 2003
- 25
We have a situation where we need to fill a void on top of a garage slab that has already been poured with a ligth weight material that has sufficient strength to act as a road base. It has been suggested that we use a styrofoam product like Foamular from Owens Corning. We plan on providing a drainage board on top of the structural slab, 2-16" of the foamular board, 4" VDOT 21A open graded aggregate, 5" base asphalt and 2" of surfact asphalt. Does anyone have any experience with paving on such a system? It appears from the literature on the product that it should have sufficient strength (up to 100psi). My only concern is that the aggregate may damage the styrofoam boards to a point where they are no longer able to function as intended and deliver the compressive strength that we need. It has been suggested that we provide a filter fabric on top of the styrofoam board layer to reduce the damage done when the aggregate layer is distributed over the foamular product.