- Mar 6, 2003
- 3
Please help me with the pid algorithm.
In order to regulate the temperature to follow a diagram ( to increase from 20 celsius degrees to 250 for 2 hours, then stay at 250 for 1 hour, then increase from 250 - 350 for 1 hour, etc.) I need to give some power to a device.
I inspired from:
CO(k) = CO(K-1) - KP * (PV(K) - PV(K-1)) + KI * TS * E(K) + KD / TS * (PV(K) - 2 * PV(K-1) + PV(K-2))
CO = controller output between 0 and 100. (the power to be given in order to grow the temperature)
PV = process variable (measured temperature)
SP = set point (the temperature that should be)
E = SP - PV = error
KP = proportional coefficient
KI = integral coefficient
KD = derivative coefficient
TS= time sample = the time interval at which the regulation of the temperature is made
1. Does this alg. apply also when the temperature to be set is not constant (e. g. is growing?)
2. How do i get the p, i, d coefficients? i run the program succesively how many times?
- p,i,d between what ranges?
- At consequent runs, i modify the coefficients with what increment?
- I select the p,i,d which makes the minimum error? how is measured the error? the sum of consequent errors?
Thank you for your help.
Please help me with the pid algorithm.
In order to regulate the temperature to follow a diagram ( to increase from 20 celsius degrees to 250 for 2 hours, then stay at 250 for 1 hour, then increase from 250 - 350 for 1 hour, etc.) I need to give some power to a device.
I inspired from:
CO(k) = CO(K-1) - KP * (PV(K) - PV(K-1)) + KI * TS * E(K) + KD / TS * (PV(K) - 2 * PV(K-1) + PV(K-2))
CO = controller output between 0 and 100. (the power to be given in order to grow the temperature)
PV = process variable (measured temperature)
SP = set point (the temperature that should be)
E = SP - PV = error
KP = proportional coefficient
KI = integral coefficient
KD = derivative coefficient
TS= time sample = the time interval at which the regulation of the temperature is made
1. Does this alg. apply also when the temperature to be set is not constant (e. g. is growing?)
2. How do i get the p, i, d coefficients? i run the program succesively how many times?
- p,i,d between what ranges?
- At consequent runs, i modify the coefficients with what increment?
- I select the p,i,d which makes the minimum error? how is measured the error? the sum of consequent errors?
Thank you for your help.