- Aug 1, 2007
- 2
Hi there, I am a little bit of a dillema, I am tring to set up an Ion 7350 power meter (from Schnieder Electric), and not haveing any luck. I have verified that all of the connections and settings are correct, and I am running it in the delta configuration. Now comes the problem: When I am metering the line I am getting strange readings, both the voltage readings and the current readings are bang on, but the power factor is out to lunch. There are 2 - 1500HP 5Kv motors connected as the load to this circuit, when they are running with no load on them they are running at a PF of approx in the range of 0.2 to0.3 and when they are under load they will run with a PF in the range of -0.2 to -0.3. I have come up with what I think to be the solution: The PT's that I am using are on the HV side of a 13.8Kv/4160V Wye-Delta Transformer, and the CT's are on the LV sid eof the transformer, and there is a phase shift of 30 degrees across the transformer. If I were to put in a 3 phase delta-Wye 1:1 120v transformer, it should restore the proper phasing, hence fixing my problem. Please let me know if any of you have heard of anyone metering like this, or if you have an more suggestions, or if you think my plan will work. Im all ears.