I'm having a heck of a time wrapping my mind around a pump replacement I've been tasked with. Currently we have a pump which operates at 200GPM at 220#. It immediately goes into a pressure reducing valve to take it down to 110# because that is the working pressure we need. The system piping is 3" and the relief setpoint is 150#. I need to replace this pump and remove the reducing valve to save energy. So I spec a 200GPM 110# pump. The discharge flange however is 1.5". I start thinking about bernoulli's equation and now I'm concerned the change in pipe diameter will cause the pressure downstream to increase based on the reduction in fluid velocity and lift the relief valves. Is this something I need to account for in my pump spec? Based on my calculations the change in diameter would take the fluid pressure from 110# to 330#. I'm just a simple HVAC engineer please help.