- Aug 22, 2007
- 6
Could you give me direction on where to go for sizing the venting and overflow slots on an API 650 process tank used in ethanol production? I used API 2000 to find the inbreathing, outbreathing and emergency venting requirements and I know the pump-in of the tank so I just need to know how to determine the actual net area of opening for overflow and venting in order to satisfy the requirements. It stated in the API 650 that the slots are to be sized to discharge at the tank pump-in rates. I was trying to relate the flowrate to the Bernoulli Equation to find a velocity of the fluid equivalent to the pressure head created by a liquid level to the top of the slot and then find an area using the continuity equation (Q=VA), however, the area I calculated was very small. For the tanks with an internal floating roof I used API 650, Appendix H which was pretty straight foreward.