- Sep 4, 2003
- 3
I'm in the process of building a private driveway for my personal use. My problem is that I have a wet area that is about 60 foot long that I have to cross and I can't go around it. My question is, should I "de-muck" this area (and if so how much should I take out) and what should I fill the de-mucked area with? The range of responses that I've gotten include: de-mucking as little as possible, de-muck until you hit good soil, fill the de-mucked area with rip-rap, or surge stone, or crush and run, or compactable clay. I have hand augered the area in question and after 6 feet there still doesn't seem to be "good soil". I plan to get this area passable and put 2-3 inches of No. 4 gravel or GAB on the surface. I would like to let the road settle for about one year before having asphalt poured as the final cover. I'm planning for the remainder of the driveway to be built up with six inches of compactable clay before adding asphalt. Your suggesting would be appreciated.