- Jun 20, 2002
- 17
I've created a four level, (nested), family table. I checked the FT into common space, (Intralink). In common space I can see all the generics and all the instances. Now here is the problem. When I pick the lowest level instance and then pick "check out", Intralink will check out the selected instance along with the top most generic. In my Workspace both the upper most generic and the selected instance are shown. Now when I go to assemble the component only the upper most generic is available. I had to assemble this in my assembly, then do a component replace by family table member. Once I do this, if I have to assemble the component again all the generics show up and all I have to do is pick on them to get down to the instance I had orginally checked out. A work around is to check out all the instances, but I don't want to do this because of all the files that would be in my workspace. Has anybody else ran into this situation? Any suggestions? Should multi-level family tables be avoided? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Running 2001 build 2002180 and I-link 3.2 build 2001440.