- Oct 26, 2007
- 77
A vital factor to consider is coating type which has a profound effect on SCC(Stress corrossion cracking) in gas pipe lines. This is especially true when the coating has a tendency to disbond or forms a holidays. This is true for tape coatings, such as polyethylene-backed tapes used predominantly in early 1960s to 1980s.” Tenting occurs between the pipe surface and the tape along the ridge created by longitudinal, spiral, and girth welds. When the tape disbond from the pipe, moisture can accumulate beneath the tape surface. The tape itself has fairly high electrical insulation properties, thus preventing cathodic current from reaching entrapped moisture beneath the tape at the pipe surface. The cracks tend to occur at or near the toe of the seam weld where stress is concentrated and water has access, as well as where the coating has been damaged or disbonded.
Most of the gas pipe lines we are having got tape coating method and constructed in 1970. We are having lot of CP issues.W'll be having our Pigging run in couple of weeks time.What are the remidial action i should take in terms of improving the CP in this sort of conditions.
Most of the gas pipe lines we are having got tape coating method and constructed in 1970. We are having lot of CP issues.W'll be having our Pigging run in couple of weeks time.What are the remidial action i should take in terms of improving the CP in this sort of conditions.