- May 18, 2005
- 150
I have a question on standards for PVC sch 40 vs Japanese standard JIS K 6741. Specifically, I am trying to determine the relationship between, norminal operating water pressure, and max hydrostatic pressure to see whether the 2 different pipes are equivalent. I might be going about this the wrong way, but I am looking for some guidance. In my case, we are trying substitute existing irrigation pipes (2" and 6" PVC sch 40) with local made products in Japan (uses JIS standards). The operating pressure of the irrigation system ranges between 150psi to 200psi. However, as I understood, sch 40 (or sch 80) are merely rating for the wall thickness. So with that thought I assume the same for JIS products. But the question arise in that there is a marking on the surface of the existing US pipes that says 200psi. I NEVER thought pvc pipes has pressure rating. WHat does that mean? So I wonder, is that nominal operating pressure or max hydrostatic presssure? The ASTM chart seems to correlate sizes of pipes vs operating temperature (at 73 deg F), and for example for 2" pvc sch 40, the pressure is 280psi and drops to 180 psi for 6" pipes. As for the JIS products, it says design pressure (7.5 kg/cm2 + 2.5 kg/cms waterhammer = 10.0kg/cm2 = 150psi) and the JIS standards says max hydrostatic pressure is 25.5 kg/cm2 (= 362 psi). However, the testing method at max hydrostatic pressure is only for 1 min. for JIS standard, whihc is different than ASTM testing method. So how should I compare the 2 products to know if they are equivalent. (I know in the back of my head they probably the same, but I need help to determine their engineering equivalence, whether I can use JIS products for my application (at 200psi?? - not sure) Any idea?