- Jun 27, 2001
- 7,435
The BBC radio 4 series of programs is still stimulating and this week the focus was on wind power.
Read the blurb and listen to the program (click the link on the column to the left of the text).
Pay attention to the claim about Britain being "the windiest place in Europe" and follow up here:
Another source/preamble is here: but note also this article on the German experince:
some of which seems to contradict the London Investors rosy glow about the 20year proftiable future pof these things.
I did have one concern, and excuse me if I don't really understand these things, but if these things have a huge subsidy from the government because they are uneconomical, how can some farmer expect to make £75,000 per year per turbine (2.3MW typical land based). To put that in context, how much does the average farmer make from power pylons and telegraph poles marching across his land? I bet it is nowhere near £75,000 per pylon or per pole....then again, he doesn't own the pylons but then why should he need to own the wind turbines?
Just for the context, see also "Not cheap, not green" There are contrary views but my bookmarks are somewhat out of date (I hate that) and it surprises me that the Cato report is still there but the Earthdog Renewable isn't and the Wind-Power web site now says I am not authorised to access it.
Read the blurb and listen to the program (click the link on the column to the left of the text).
Pay attention to the claim about Britain being "the windiest place in Europe" and follow up here:
Another source/preamble is here: but note also this article on the German experince:
some of which seems to contradict the London Investors rosy glow about the 20year proftiable future pof these things.
I did have one concern, and excuse me if I don't really understand these things, but if these things have a huge subsidy from the government because they are uneconomical, how can some farmer expect to make £75,000 per year per turbine (2.3MW typical land based). To put that in context, how much does the average farmer make from power pylons and telegraph poles marching across his land? I bet it is nowhere near £75,000 per pylon or per pole....then again, he doesn't own the pylons but then why should he need to own the wind turbines?
Just for the context, see also "Not cheap, not green" There are contrary views but my bookmarks are somewhat out of date (I hate that) and it surprises me that the Cato report is still there but the Earthdog Renewable isn't and the Wind-Power web site now says I am not authorised to access it.