- Dec 6, 2011
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I'm using Simulink and HDL-Coder to generate code for some hardware algorithm for OCT (doesn't really matter for the problem underneath
Recently I discovered a strange behavior when debugging in simulink: the input data did not change on every clock, even though the input vector changes its value for every sample-time.
I checked the sample time (fixed step size) for the simulation as well as the sample time vector in the matlab code. But they fit to each other.
Therefore I made a small example to see, whether I could reproduce this 'error'. As you can see in the picture I have the simplest possible simulink model containing an 'from workspace' and a 'to workspace' block. using the settings from underneath I keep receiving a strange behavior for the output. the first half of the ramp is constantly increasing whereas the second half looks has some "edges" (a few samples are not loaded on time)
--> sample rate of the 'from workspace' block equals 0.1 (equals simulations fixed step size)
--> 'to workspace' block has sample time "inherited" (--> 0.1 as well)
--> matlab code (as in the screenshot) is:
dt = 0.1;
N = 200;
time = -0.01:dt
sample = linspace(0,N-1,N);
%samples = [time', sample'];
samples.time = time';
samples.signals.values = sample';
sim('test_data_read_in.mdl', N*dt);
You may know this problem from timing problems in hardware when not respecting the set-up-times for components and so on. But Simulink should NOT behave like hardware, I guess.. Despite that I tried to make the input-signals valid shortly before they will be read in (likely respecting set up time in hardware). And it worked! The ramp of the output data was neat!
dt = 0.1;
N = 200;
time = -0.01:dt
sample = linspace(0,N-1,N);
%samples = [time', sample'];
samples.time = time';
samples.signals.values = sample';
sim('test_data_read_in.mdl', N*dt);
I experienced the same problems with Lookup-tables.
Anybody encountered this problem before or has an idea how to avoid it?
Thanks a lot for your help!
I'm using Simulink and HDL-Coder to generate code for some hardware algorithm for OCT (doesn't really matter for the problem underneath
Recently I discovered a strange behavior when debugging in simulink: the input data did not change on every clock, even though the input vector changes its value for every sample-time.
I checked the sample time (fixed step size) for the simulation as well as the sample time vector in the matlab code. But they fit to each other.
Therefore I made a small example to see, whether I could reproduce this 'error'. As you can see in the picture I have the simplest possible simulink model containing an 'from workspace' and a 'to workspace' block. using the settings from underneath I keep receiving a strange behavior for the output. the first half of the ramp is constantly increasing whereas the second half looks has some "edges" (a few samples are not loaded on time)
--> sample rate of the 'from workspace' block equals 0.1 (equals simulations fixed step size)
--> 'to workspace' block has sample time "inherited" (--> 0.1 as well)
--> matlab code (as in the screenshot) is:
dt = 0.1;
N = 200;
time = -0.01:dt
sample = linspace(0,N-1,N);
%samples = [time', sample'];
samples.time = time';
samples.signals.values = sample';
sim('test_data_read_in.mdl', N*dt);
You may know this problem from timing problems in hardware when not respecting the set-up-times for components and so on. But Simulink should NOT behave like hardware, I guess.. Despite that I tried to make the input-signals valid shortly before they will be read in (likely respecting set up time in hardware). And it worked! The ramp of the output data was neat!
dt = 0.1;
N = 200;
time = -0.01:dt
sample = linspace(0,N-1,N);
%samples = [time', sample'];
samples.time = time';
samples.signals.values = sample';
sim('test_data_read_in.mdl', N*dt);
I experienced the same problems with Lookup-tables.
Anybody encountered this problem before or has an idea how to avoid it?
Thanks a lot for your help!