- Oct 23, 2003
- 31
I have a problem i am trying to resolve. I have acustomer that has a 3MW 6900V steam turbine generator that had the stator rewound about 4 months ago. Since the gen. was reinstalled they are getting nuetral overcurrent trips. In monitoring the nuetral current, I have discovered that not only is there substantially more nuetral current then before, but it is mostly third harmonic current. There is some 9th harmonic, but very little. We have eliminated the Drives for 3 fans by monitoring the current with the drives off and back on. There are two Gas turbine generators also, that do not have this problem nor do they contribute to it. We know this by attaching a power recorder to the system and monitoring the currents at all conditions, and when the steam turbine is not running the neutral current goes away. So what I am wanting to know is, what can cause third harmonic current in a generator? I understand by doing some research that if third harmonic current is generated on the phases it will add on the neutral, but where does it come from???