- Jun 18, 2012
- 119
I was looking in Lindeburg's CERM and tried to find a connection between the Kh and Kv values that he gives in Appendix 37.A to the Rankine ka factor. In a problem he solves there is a note stating that the Rankine formula could be used and R broken into components. It is somewhat confusing as it is stated earlier that the Rankine formula disregards the angle of external friction, yet in the same book the previous statement is given in a problem where the delta angle of friction is not equal to 0 (example 37.2 vs formula 37.6). So is there actually a way once we have the Rankine ka value to derive mathematically the Ra,v and the Ra,h or do we need to use the Kh and Kv values from the graphs in the Appendix? .....which is quite a sloppy process!