- Oct 23, 2007
- 9
I had a question about the re-welding of electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper (99.90% Cu, 0.04% O). Currently, we use cast blocks of this with internal water for cooling material in our process. Over time, the blocks become worn and the copper is re-welded (build-up with Cu filler metal). Practise has been to re-weld one time and then when it wears again discard the entire block and replace with a new one.
I was wondering if anyone had experience or sees issues with re-welding copper several times. Problem I can see is the oxygen in material which causes porosity and reduces weld strength as it can congregate at grain boundaries. However, the filer metal used (ERCu) will have P and Si in it (oxygen stabilizers) so the second and third re-builds should have even less issues with oxygen. Any comments would be helpful.
I was wondering if anyone had experience or sees issues with re-welding copper several times. Problem I can see is the oxygen in material which causes porosity and reduces weld strength as it can congregate at grain boundaries. However, the filer metal used (ERCu) will have P and Si in it (oxygen stabilizers) so the second and third re-builds should have even less issues with oxygen. Any comments would be helpful.