- Oct 2, 2003
- 77
I am looking for your thoughts on replacing an old worm gearbox that is no longer readily available. I have looked up the original catalogue and it does not show me exatly the type I have but they do have similar but the information is a given in different ratings in the 2 sections. What I have is a right angle worm gearbox which has a helical geared motor driving it giving a final speed of .14 rpm and a power of .18Kw. If I look at the catalogue it gives the main gearbox as follows ratio 32/1 with 1500 input speed T2N 1990 Nm, T2max 2660 Nm, now if I look in another section they show the same main gearbox but with the following 150 input speed T2N 3970 Nm, 5200 T2 Nm T2max. Now I am looking at repalcing this with a modern helical gearbox and I can match the speed and Kw but I am not sure which torque rating I sure use. I think the different ratings are mainly to do with the slower input speeds maybe the worm performs better at the slow speeds but i dont know if a helical gearbox does the same. Any ideas or tips would be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
I am looking for your thoughts on replacing an old worm gearbox that is no longer readily available. I have looked up the original catalogue and it does not show me exatly the type I have but they do have similar but the information is a given in different ratings in the 2 sections. What I have is a right angle worm gearbox which has a helical geared motor driving it giving a final speed of .14 rpm and a power of .18Kw. If I look at the catalogue it gives the main gearbox as follows ratio 32/1 with 1500 input speed T2N 1990 Nm, T2max 2660 Nm, now if I look in another section they show the same main gearbox but with the following 150 input speed T2N 3970 Nm, 5200 T2 Nm T2max. Now I am looking at repalcing this with a modern helical gearbox and I can match the speed and Kw but I am not sure which torque rating I sure use. I think the different ratings are mainly to do with the slower input speeds maybe the worm performs better at the slow speeds but i dont know if a helical gearbox does the same. Any ideas or tips would be welcome.
Thanks in advance.