- Sep 4, 2003
- 50
Is anyone familiar with Tim Starks research on correlations between Atterberg limits and residual shear strenngth in clays? I stumbled across this reference in an old thread:
ramram2 posts "You can also check out Tim Stark's research in the Geotechnical Journal to use liquid limits, clay fraction and overburden stresses to estimate residual phi angles." in reference to a question about multi reversal shear tests.
This piqued my curiosity. I've come across a paper by Mesri, et al. titled Residual Shear Strength Mobilized in First-Time Slope Failures (Journal of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, Jan-03, Vol 129, Issue 1) which correlates residual strength with PI. I've found this work to be quite useful in lieu of doing costly and time consuming slow slow shear tests (1 trace/ day!!), ring shears, or multi reversal shears to test the residual strength in the lab. I'm sure there are several other techniques used throughout the industry to calculate residual strength for long term design. Thoughts?? Anybody know who Tim Starks is or where I can find out more about his work???
ramram2 posts "You can also check out Tim Stark's research in the Geotechnical Journal to use liquid limits, clay fraction and overburden stresses to estimate residual phi angles." in reference to a question about multi reversal shear tests.
This piqued my curiosity. I've come across a paper by Mesri, et al. titled Residual Shear Strength Mobilized in First-Time Slope Failures (Journal of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, Jan-03, Vol 129, Issue 1) which correlates residual strength with PI. I've found this work to be quite useful in lieu of doing costly and time consuming slow slow shear tests (1 trace/ day!!), ring shears, or multi reversal shears to test the residual strength in the lab. I'm sure there are several other techniques used throughout the industry to calculate residual strength for long term design. Thoughts?? Anybody know who Tim Starks is or where I can find out more about his work???