- Dec 13, 2001
- 50
I need help in resolving failures. I cannot find extensive instruction about resolving failures. I can do a quick fix and redefine placement and some other quick fixes, but have difficulty fixing other things. For example: what if I rollback a part to insert a feature in the model tree, then I forget to put the insert arrow back at the bottom of the tree and start working on an assembly that contains the part. Then when I regenerate the assembly, there are lots af parts that cannot be placed, due to part features not existing because a part is rolledback. How can I get Pro-E to let me roll the part back to where it needs to be? Also, what if a part or assembly has difficulty opening due to failures and I just want to put the part or assembly off until later? How can I just "bail out" and cancel the retrival? Answers to these questions and other failure resolving help will be appreciated.