Machine Description: 1250hp vertical 1200rpm, vertical motor driving a pump through a rigid coupling. Motor shaft extension is 4.375" at the coupling seat. The design hub/shaft fit is 0.000-0.002" clearance. There is also a key approx 1" square, 5" long.
Problem: During refurbishment, the motor shaft was found undersized and fretted at the location where the coupling seats.
Options under consideration:
(Asking for a friend)
Problem: During refurbishment, the motor shaft was found undersized and fretted at the location where the coupling seats.
Options under consideration:
- machine it down and bore a new coupling hub to match the shaft. However that is suboptimal because parts would no longer be interchangeable among sister motors.
OR - machine down, build up with chrome or weld, machine to final dimension.
(Asking for a friend)
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