- Jun 3, 2019
- 3
Hi, I'm studying the heat transfer from a rotating cylinder to static air. I use a correlation valid for Re up to 40,000
I also use CFD simulations in Fluent, but the values I get by this way are about half the ones I get with the correlation
The correlation is very simple: Nu=0.318*Re^0.571, so I don't know where the mistake is.
I've tried several domains, models and temperatures in Fluent and the results are more or less the same. The ref temp is also well set, so I think the CFD values are OK.
Could anyone check my analytic calculations (below) and tell me if they are OK? I would be very, very grateful
D=0.18; % Diameter [m]
n_rot=387 % [rpm]
T=35+273.15; % Temperature [K]
k=props(1,2,T,0) % Thermal conductivity = 0.0273 [W/mK]
vc=props(1,6,T,0) % Cinematic viscosity = 1.6377e-05 [m2/s]
w_rot=n_rot*2*pi/60 % [rad/s]
Re=w_rot*D^2/(2*vc) % Reynolds number [-]
Nu=0.318*Re^0.571 % Nusselt number [-]
h=Nu*k/D % Heat transfer coef [W/m2K]
RESULTS: Re=40.088; h=20.47 - instead of h=9.5 (Fluent)
I also use CFD simulations in Fluent, but the values I get by this way are about half the ones I get with the correlation
The correlation is very simple: Nu=0.318*Re^0.571, so I don't know where the mistake is.
I've tried several domains, models and temperatures in Fluent and the results are more or less the same. The ref temp is also well set, so I think the CFD values are OK.
Could anyone check my analytic calculations (below) and tell me if they are OK? I would be very, very grateful
D=0.18; % Diameter [m]
n_rot=387 % [rpm]
T=35+273.15; % Temperature [K]
k=props(1,2,T,0) % Thermal conductivity = 0.0273 [W/mK]
vc=props(1,6,T,0) % Cinematic viscosity = 1.6377e-05 [m2/s]
w_rot=n_rot*2*pi/60 % [rad/s]
Re=w_rot*D^2/(2*vc) % Reynolds number [-]
Nu=0.318*Re^0.571 % Nusselt number [-]
h=Nu*k/D % Heat transfer coef [W/m2K]
RESULTS: Re=40.088; h=20.47 - instead of h=9.5 (Fluent)