I have two subasssemblies that use the same rivet (same part number: xxx-xxxxx) with different installed lengths. We create different models with the installed length as part of the file name (example of file names: xxx-xxxxx_235 & xxx-xxxxx_250). However, for each file, the part number in the properties remains the same, so the BOM shows the correct part number.
When I try to install the two aubassemblies into the same assembly, I get a part number conflict and it wants me to rename the rivet part number of the second subassemby placed. However, I don't want to change the part number of either, because then the part number will not show correctly in the subassembly BOM. I could see this being an issue with springs having different installed lengths.
Is there a way to have the same part number for different files within the same assembly??
When I try to install the two aubassemblies into the same assembly, I get a part number conflict and it wants me to rename the rivet part number of the second subassemby placed. However, I don't want to change the part number of either, because then the part number will not show correctly in the subassembly BOM. I could see this being an issue with springs having different installed lengths.
Is there a way to have the same part number for different files within the same assembly??