- Feb 14, 2007
- 47
I'm trying to design my columns for SCBF's and I was wondering if I need to use the combined loading effects of chapter H utilizing the Pmax determined by the RyFyAg of the brace. I have an inverted V-type brace at the roof level, which yields a huge beam at the roof level. The AISC 341-02 provisions allowed an exception to any roof-level (or penthouse) beams. Because this provision is now out of the 341-05 code, I have to design it for a braced system utilizing the capacity of the brace. The force due to the brace is so much larger than the uniform loading on the beam that I am forced to size a smaller brace so that my beams aren't over 300 plf. AISC 341-05 allows an exception on the brace-size as long as the maximum force is delivered to the column from the bracing system. Therefore, when I use Pu/phiPn + 8/9(...), should I use Pmax(from the brace)/phiPn in this equation? Any comments would be appreciated.