- Dec 27, 2002
- 2,525
My boss gave me a copy of a form he has from the "Structural Engineering Certification Board" (SECB). It's stated purpose is to establish uniform standards of examination, licensure and practice throughout the United States to enable, encourage and facilitate competent structural engineering and to identify structural engineering as a distinct discipline of engineering practice. Now, did I miss something or are we not already a distinct engineering pracrtice? Why on earth would we need something in addition to the PE and SE tests that are well established? To me this sounds like a blatant money-making ploy that will never really do anything to improve the profession or help protect the public. The cost is $350 plus $100 per year. There are also provisions for "grandfathering". If you get grandfathered in then the purpose of certifying competent engineers is lost. Doing something for 20 years certainly doesn't make it right. Everyone else has to take an exam but even that won't accomplish anything IMHO. Exams only weed out those who can't take a test, they do nothing for people who really don't belong in engineering such as those who don't care about doing quality work or just want to make an unethical buck. Any idiot can cram for an exam but learn nothing. Anyway, this is my take on it. Has anyone else had any experience with this board? What are your opinions out there? I'm not trying to start another PE thread, I've already searched the forum and didn't find this topic at all.