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Seismic Demand on Piping

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Aug 17, 2008

My contractor is facing some issues with the stress calculations due to high seismic acceleration values since they are not able to keep bellow the allowable code limit i.e. 1.33 times the basic allowable stress ( ASME B31.3).

ASME B31.3 in parag. 302.3.6 refers to a Design Earthquake and indicates only occasional load conditions that can be identified with the Operating condition or design basis earthquake condition (OBE) so it does not considers exceptional loads such as the Safe shutdown earthquake condition (SSE) . So according ASME B31.3 only an operating basis earthquake condition (OBE) maintaining operational conditions, can be considered for design.

According ASME B31.3 in parag. 302.3.6 For Elevated Temperature Fluid Service (see definition in para. 300.2) of materials having ductile behavior, as an alternative to the use of 1.33 times the basic allowable stress provided in Table A-1 or Table A-1M, the allowable stress for occasional loads of short duration, e.g., surge, extreme wind, or earthquake, may be taken as the lowest of the following:

(-a) the weld strength reduction factor times 90% of the yield strength at the metal temperature for the occasional condition being considered
(-b) four times the basic allowable stress provided in Appendix A
(-c) for occasional loads that exceed 10 h over the life of the piping system, the stress resulting in a 20% creep usage factor in accordance with Appendix V

ASME B31.3 parag 301.5.3 Earthquake. Indicates “ The effect of earthquake loading shall be taken into account in the design of piping. The analysis considerations and loads may be as described in ASCE 7. Authoritative local seismological data may also be used to define 3or refine the design earthquake loads”. But even with ASCE-07 the idea is avoiding yielding phenomena in the pipes and to maintain operational conditions also in case of strong seismic events so in conclusion yielding is not allowed in ASME B31.3

If we go for the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) with EN13480-3 an deformation capability of the pipes and fittings (e.g., ovalization) in the plastic range would be necessary. I went through EN13480-3 and this codes accept in pipes a certain level of yielding on the condition that leakage would not occur, and the consequence, for example, to accept a reduction of the thickness will occur. With EN13480-3 allows an exceeding of the basic allowable stress by 80% that is within plastic strain

To my opinion going to EN13480-3 using the 1.8 times the basic allowable stress for me is not accepted because that will reduce the lifetime of the piping. It is possible that a small part of the piping system will undergo considerable inelastic when the rest of the system is almost entirely elastic. This happens when the part concerned is appreciably weaker than the rest, either due to reduced section size, weaker material, or higher temperature. Even if it does not leak immediately after an exceptional load such as for Safe shutdown earthquake condition (SSE) it might happens during the lifetime of the plant which will bring safety issues.

To me this is not an simple answer because ASME B31.3 to my opinion might be too much conservative and does not refers what to be considered in case of exceptional loads. Using also expansion joins and snubbers which also if not well installed and well calculated could also bring to a possible leak and I am comfortable to have this in so many places.

I would like to ask that for lines where the stress cannot always be kept below the allowable code limit and for Elevated Temperature Fluid Service with the weld strength reduction factor times 90% of the yield strength still cannot pass if we can go to the yielding point on condition that the system is later returned to its original based on ASME B31.3 du to parag 319.2.3 ( my understanding is that is allowed on the starting operation the plant) and what you think in design a ammonia plant with ASME B31.3 and using for some lines for stress calculation the code EN13480-3 and if you have faced this what was the solution.

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Your question is complex and implies substantial knowledge of seismic analysis of piping systems

I suggest that you post in a more specific forum such as the CAESAR-II/COADE forum on eng-tips

Good luck ... Please keep us posted on your final solution..


Sr. Process Engineer
I would first like to ask how good is the Contractor in determining the seismic Load for a Piping System? They may be good at buildings and pressure vessels but how about piping system?
Do they have a piping support diagram for the system they are evaluating?

You might get better insight from B31E. This has higher allowable stress but also you need to use a higher ap/Rp.

Our projects are in high EQ areas and we always must and do keep EQ stress within code limits. This is where design ground acceleration is higher than 1g. I would challenge your piping designer to do better.

Thanks MJCronin, I will

GD2. the contractor is specialist in determining the seismic Load for a Piping System for Green chemical plants. They are working with an earthquake design spectra and due to that they are facing hight seismic acceleration factors.

KevinNZ In the project have a table with Seismic acceleration values for different materials and elevations that goes between 0,330g to 0,494g for piping aboveground. Reading the Table 1 of the ASME B31E for metallic ductile piping systems, we have different seismic design requirements pending of non critical or critical piping. Since the peak spectral accelerations his higher that 0.3g we end to a design by analysis. Using the formula the calculated value should be less or equal the specified minimum yield stress of the material at the normal operating temperature. According my interpretation ASMEB31E allows to achieve the yielding point when ASME B31.3 through parag. 302.3.6 Limits of Calculated Stresses Due to Occasional Loads refers that for Elevated Temperature Fluid Service of materials having ductile behaviour we can go to the weld strength reduction factor times 90% of the yield strength at the metal temperature for the occasional condition being considered, is my interpretation correct ?

The contractor is asking if we accept to go to 1.5 times instead of using the 1.33 times of the basic allowable stress.

What's the design conditions and the MOC of the piping?
The Elevated Temp Service and Weld Strength Reduction Factor (W) will be determined based on the service. For CS, W=1.0.
ASME B31.3 is clear on the allowable stress due to occasional load (1.33Sh by Para 302.3.6 (a)) except for Elevated Fluid Service. The 133% is essentially to limit the stresses on the flanges to reach the yield point. Flange ratings are typically at 60% of the YS at temperature.
Elevated Fluid Service further limits this to W x 90% of the YS.

What it means above is that even with occasional loads, the materials are not allowed to exceed the YS.

319.2.2 talks about "Displacement Stress Range" which is a Secondary Load/Stress and different from the Sustained Loads + Occasional Load (which is a Primary Load/Stress) with different allowables. Failure modes of both Primary and Secondary stresses are different. You can't use 319.2.2 for Sustained and Occasional Loads.

If you design to B31E you are allowed higher stress but the you also must use a higher valves of ap/Rp than B31.3 design. The allowable stress in B31E is stated in the code.

What loading code has design acceleration been calculated from? Is this project in USA using ASCE EQ loading?

0,330g to 0,494g is not high. A good piping designer will have anchors or line stops between bends for EQ loads.

KevinNZ had directed you in the right direction. B31E specifically written for Seismic Design of Piping systems and offers higher allowable than the typical ASBE B31 Codes.

The contractor has proposed to go higher that the allowable code limit to 1.5 times the basic allowable stress for carbon and low alloy steel. Looking to the safety margin given between the allowable B31.3 code limit and the yield strength for some temperatures some with reach the yielding point but not going to the plastic strain.

According to ASME B31E parag 3.4 in case of critical piping where design by analysis is required the elastically calculated longitudinal stress due to the design earthquake shall be less than the min of 2.4S, 1,5Sy 60ksi (408Mpa).

So according to my interpretation of ASME B31E there is no issues in accepting their proposal.

Thanks for your time

So what did the Contractor do? Apply B31E in its entirety or simply use the higher allowable from B31E? B31E is more comprehensive than applying EQ loads as occasional load in B31.x.
Autopipe has the functionality to use B31E.

You can not jump between B31E and B31.3. The seismic loads for each code are not the same. ap/Rp values are not the same. B31E allows higher stress but also requires application of higher seismic loads.
Opensource said:
ASME B31.3 in parag. 302.3.6 refers to a Design Earthquake
Not exactly sure what you mean by this but 302.3.6 has two subs, one for operation and one for test. What is (your understanding of) 'Design Earthquake'?

I recently did some pipe stress analysis of various systems (systems acc. B31.3) where - for some of the systems I designed - the allowable stress at temperature was less than 1% of the ambient allowable. I.e. the systems were in ETFS = Elevated Temperature Fluid Service. The seismic case was very tricky. We ended up buying quite a bunch of snubbers. They're expensive, but they solved the issue.

Although you haven't mentioned, Im assuming your system is in ETFS as well. It is reasonable to believe the seismic case can be solved (relatively) easily with snubbers, and could it be the contractor is looking for a cheap escape (by increasing the allowable for seismic) rather than choosing a well-designed solution using (the more expensive) snubbers?

PS: we have AutoPIPE. For the systems I analyzed, Ive also used B31E for the seismic case in the ETFS case. To my understanding, B31E underestimated the effects and could/would result in unsafe designs. Even though it is included in AutoPIPE quite useful, I ended up unchecking the box and defining my seismic case myself, using values for ap/Rp etc from ASCE 7.

- You never get what you expect, you only get what you inspect.
Hi GD2

In the contract the program used is Ceaser II and the design code is ASMEB 31.3 There requirements from ASME B31E are already on AutoPipe but did not find that they are in Ceaser II. They will continue using Ceaser II and still with ASMEB 31.3 by sure

As a client we can accept to go for some lines going against the code accepting 1.5 times the basic allowable stress for carbon and low alloy steel ? A assume yes but we are taking the responsibility.

KevinNZ I think you are right, or we should use SME B31.3 for all the to go to ASME B31E, they just have to put more efforts on the design

XL83NL . True don't know why I have written that. That is our case, in the design we are using expansion joins and a lot of snubbers but even so it does not comply with the code according to the contractor. I am not feeling comfortable to use this expansion joins and snubbers, what do you think ?
KevinNZ , is there a value for Peak ground acceleration (PGA) that is recommended to go to ASME B31E ?

ap/Rp values will not be the same correct. What will be impact to go the ap/Rp values for ASME B31E instead of B31.3 ? because the contribution for the sustained and pressure loads are little less if we go to ap/Rp values for ASME B31E
OP, our design process is
1. agree with the client (and regulators) the ground acceleration that the piping must pass code. Depends on the location and risk/importance factors.
2. Run the piping elastic stress model at this acceleration.
3. Scale the piping loads within the code calculations as appropriate for the piping code being used. Different scaling values for B31.1/3 and B31E.
3. Extract and scale the pipe support civil design loads from the model. Scaling factors depend on the civil design code.
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