- Apr 7, 2008
- 1,165
We have a SEL 587 relay being used as differential protection on a 5kV feeder between two 5kV tie-breakers. Tie-Breakers were tied through and in operation (only one source / not parallee) and we were running for about 15hrs or so and then all of the sudden the tie-breakers tripped. The tie breakers tripped due to an 87 differential pickup on phase A and C on the 587 relay. Attached is the event file from the 587 for this event.
From looking at this is appears that the phase A and C CT's are swapped for their phase angles are not 180deg apart. Phase B looks o.k. and the Phase A and Phase C inputs should be swapped in order for phasor current to sum to zero. Should this just be a matter of swapping phase A and C CT input on one set of CT windings?
The O87P setting in the relay is 0.1 and the CT's are 3000:5 CT's, therefore I believe differential pickup is 300A. My guess is that for the first 15hrs the phasor sum on phases A and B were below this 0.1 pickup and then all of the sudden a load or bunch of loads came on to cause the current phasor sum on A and C to go above .1 and thus trigger the 87 pickup.
When looking at the event file does IR corrospond to some restraint current?
I am trying to do the vector addition myself to see exactly what is going on with current phasors. When I add the IBW1 and IBW2 winding phasors I get a sum of 0 and when I add the IA's and IC's I come up with a value of .278 @ -75.4deg using the phasor magnitude and angles at .5 cycles. Is there a value or phasor in the event file that shows the phsor sums for each set of windings in order to verify my calculation.