- Dec 26, 2013
- 93
Hi All,
I am trying to modify journal for change of cut direction and to get this I need to change my attribute called "VM_cutDirection" in my cam object. In my journal I can able to change through set attributes but I would like to automate little for this.
If my attribute is 0 then needs to set as 1 or vice versa. I am unable make if statement for that Can anyone help me in this here is my code.
I am trying to modify journal for change of cut direction and to get this I need to change my attribute called "VM_cutDirection" in my cam object. In my journal I can able to change through set attributes but I would like to automate little for this.
If my attribute is 0 then needs to set as 1 or vice versa. I am unable make if statement for that Can anyone help me in this here is my code.
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.CAM
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Module ChangeCutDirection
Dim theSession As Session
Dim theUfSession As UFSession
Sub Main()
theSession = Session.GetSession()
theUfSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim WorkPart As Part = TheSession.Parts.Work
Dim setupTag As Tag
Dim camObjectTag As Tag
Dim selectedTags() As NXOpen.Tag
Dim selectedCount As Integer
' If there is a setup only then we go further
If setupTag <> 0 Then
' Get the selected nodes from the Operation Navigator
theUfSession.UiOnt.AskSelectedNodes(selectedCount, selectedTags)
Dim ptr As IntPtr = New System.IntPtr
Dim cycle_cb_fn As UFNcgroup.CycleCbFT = New UFNcgroup.CycleCbFT(AddressOf cycle_cb)
Dim i As Integer
'Loop over the selected nodes to take action
For i = 0 To selectedCount - 1
' The selected item needs to be checked to take action
' Now if the selected item is a Group object then we need to cycle objects inside it
theUfSession.Ncgroup.CycleMembers(selectedTags(i), cycle_cb_fn, ptr)
Next i
End If
End Sub
Function cycle_cb(ByVal camObjectTag As Tag, ByVal ptr As IntPtr) As Boolean
Dim answer As Boolean
' Every item needs to be checked to take action
answer = action(camObjectTag)
Return answer
End Function
Function action(ByVal camObjectTag As Tag) As Boolean
Dim camObject As NXObject = NXObjectManager.Get(camObjectTag)
Dim WorkPart As Part = TheSession.Parts.Work
'Check if the object is an Operation
If TypeOf camObject Is CAM.Operation Then
Dim operationType As Integer
Dim operationSubtype As Integer
'Get the type and subtype of the operation
theUFSession.Obj.AskTypeAndSubtype(camObjectTag, operationType, operationSubtype)
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine("operationSubtype = " & operationSubtype)
End If
Dim oOpers(0) As Cam.Operation
oOpers(0) = camObject
' Set cut direction
'camObject.SetAttribute("VM_cutDirection", "0") ' THIS SETS VOLMILL TO CLIMB
camObject.SetAttribute("VM_cutDirection", "1") ' THIS SETS VOLMILL TO CONVENTIONAL
' Comment the following two lines to suppress the listing window
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine("Parameters set in: " & camObject.Name() )
Dim oOpers1(0) As Cam.Operation
oOpers1(0) = camObject
End Function
End Module