- Jun 20, 2002
- 17
When we created shrinkwraps in Pro/E 2001 we used a quality level of 3-4 to get a good shrinkwrap model. About 3 months ago we installed Wildfire build 490. Now when we create shrinkwrap models we need to bump the quality level up to 8 or 9 to get a good shrinkwrap model. Any lower quality level setting gives us models with holes in them, (areas where you can see through the model). Needless to say, with a quality level set to 8 or 9 drastically increases file size and generation time. Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone have any suggestions about creating shrinkwraps? Are there any config options that would deal with this? I ask this because our new admin changed our config file when we installed Wildfire. TIA for any help you can provide.