- Nov 8, 2001
- 104
I'm working on a project where I have a Sensirion SHT71 device tied to a PIC micro.
I'm quite sure the code is working, thats not the issue at hand. If it wasn't then I wouldnt be getting semi valid, or sometimes valid data. Also, the device sends an ACK like I2C when it gets a valid command, and I get that...and I get return data.
What is the problem is getting accurate data. I'm looking for others that have used this part successfully, to find out if there are other things I am not doing right. Can you query it constantly? Or is there settle times? Just need to get some insight.
I'm quite sure the code is working, thats not the issue at hand. If it wasn't then I wouldnt be getting semi valid, or sometimes valid data. Also, the device sends an ACK like I2C when it gets a valid command, and I get that...and I get return data.
What is the problem is getting accurate data. I'm looking for others that have used this part successfully, to find out if there are other things I am not doing right. Can you query it constantly? Or is there settle times? Just need to get some insight.