- Feb 4, 2008
- 107
What do you consider to be the bearing capacity of ground that has liquefied?
I am checking a design for a large amusement park ride that was submitted to a city I review for.
The ride is 300 feet tall.
The ride was designed with a spread footing that is a hexagon that is 60 foot wide, with 24'-10" sides.
The wind load gives about 23,000 Kip*Ft overturning at maximum.
The seismic gives about 11,000 Kip*ft overturning.
The footing is 6 foot thick with the bottom set at 8 feet below the ground surface.
The groundwater is about 17 to 18 feet below grade.
The pga is about .6g
The top of the first liquefied layer is from 18 feet down to about 27.5 feet.
The soil profile is a silty sand down to about 15 feet, say phi of 30 deg.
From 15 to 18 feet is a silt.
Then from 18 to 27.5 is sand, and silty sand that is liquefiable.
From 27.5 to about 32 feet is silty sand that does not liquefy.
From 32 to 38 feet is another liquefiable layer.
From 38' down are several clay layers with thin sand layers in between that are liquefiable at 42.5 to 44 feet, and from 46.5 to 51 feet.
Below 51 feet is bedrock.
The residual shear strength of the liquefiable soil was given as a phi of 7 degrees in the geotech report.
Volumetric settlement was given as about 5 inches with differential settlement of 2.5 to 3 inches in 30 feet.
How would you calculate the gross bearing under liquefied conditions?
How would you calculate excess deformation under partial bearing loss due to soil strength loss under punching and partial shearing?
How do we determine if the ride structure will have less drift due to tilting of the foundation, than the code will allow?
There is an interesting article in the January 2010 issue of the JGGE on page 151 by Dasti et al, that explores some issues with mat foundation structures tested in the cetrifuge for liquefied ground.
I am wondering how certain we can be that a structure on a mat foundation will not have excessive tilt when the soil below liquefies?
I am checking a design for a large amusement park ride that was submitted to a city I review for.
The ride is 300 feet tall.
The ride was designed with a spread footing that is a hexagon that is 60 foot wide, with 24'-10" sides.
The wind load gives about 23,000 Kip*Ft overturning at maximum.
The seismic gives about 11,000 Kip*ft overturning.
The footing is 6 foot thick with the bottom set at 8 feet below the ground surface.
The groundwater is about 17 to 18 feet below grade.
The pga is about .6g
The top of the first liquefied layer is from 18 feet down to about 27.5 feet.
The soil profile is a silty sand down to about 15 feet, say phi of 30 deg.
From 15 to 18 feet is a silt.
Then from 18 to 27.5 is sand, and silty sand that is liquefiable.
From 27.5 to about 32 feet is silty sand that does not liquefy.
From 32 to 38 feet is another liquefiable layer.
From 38' down are several clay layers with thin sand layers in between that are liquefiable at 42.5 to 44 feet, and from 46.5 to 51 feet.
Below 51 feet is bedrock.
The residual shear strength of the liquefiable soil was given as a phi of 7 degrees in the geotech report.
Volumetric settlement was given as about 5 inches with differential settlement of 2.5 to 3 inches in 30 feet.
How would you calculate the gross bearing under liquefied conditions?
How would you calculate excess deformation under partial bearing loss due to soil strength loss under punching and partial shearing?
How do we determine if the ride structure will have less drift due to tilting of the foundation, than the code will allow?
There is an interesting article in the January 2010 issue of the JGGE on page 151 by Dasti et al, that explores some issues with mat foundation structures tested in the cetrifuge for liquefied ground.
I am wondering how certain we can be that a structure on a mat foundation will not have excessive tilt when the soil below liquefies?