- Jun 25, 2003
- 85
Is Their A Simpler Way To Programmatically Obtain the Mass Properties Of A Model, Given A View In A Drawing, WithOUT physically opening the Model In A new window...?
I know this is possible with Assemblies...
I don't see why it would be impossible with a drawing...
This is A Sample Senario of what I am trying to do...
Assuming the Current View in an Active Drawing is the view I want to retrieve the Mass Properties From...
And the Assembly Method (using component objects)...
If you have any Ideas, or if you see something I missed, please let me know...
I know this is possible with Assemblies...
I don't see why it would be impossible with a drawing...
This is A Sample Senario of what I am trying to do...
Assuming the Current View in an Active Drawing is the view I want to retrieve the Mass Properties From...
Dim swApp As Object, Model As Object, View As Object
Dim data1 As Variant, data2 As Variant, data3 As Variant
Dim mass As Double
Const swDocPART = 1, swDocASSEMBLY = 2, swDocDRAWING = 3
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Set Model = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set View = Model.GetFirstView
Set View = Model.GetNextView
s$ = View.GetReferencedModelName()
drawname$ = Model.GetPathName() 'Store current Doc
Set Model = swApp.ActivateDoc(s$)
data1 = Model.GetMassProperties()
massp = round(data1(5) * 2.2046, 2)
MP_Volume = round(data1(3) * 61023.74, 3)
MP_Density = round(massp / MP_Volume, 3)
'...Able to Change Density Here
mass = Round(MP_Volume * MP_Density, 2)
Set Model = swApp.ActivateDoc(drawname$) 'reStore Doc
And the Assembly Method (using component objects)...
Set Configuration = Model.GetActiveConfiguration()
Set Component = Configuration.GetRootComponent()
If Component Is Nothing Then ' If no component, then exit
Exit Sub
End If
componentName = Component.Name ' Get the component name
Set modelD = Component.GetModelDoc()
Data1 = Component.GetModelDoc().GetMassProperties()
massp = Round((Data1(5) * 2.2046, 2)
MP_Volume = Round((Data1(3) * 61023.74, 3)
MP_Density = Round((massp / MP_Volume, 3)
s1$ = " Mass:" + Str(massp)
s2$ = ", Volume:" + Str(MP_Volume)
s3$ = ", Density:" + Str(MP_Density)
If you have any Ideas, or if you see something I missed, please let me know...