- Nov 26, 2003
- 56
Hi All,
Been reading thru some of the posts on TD Design and have a few questions.
Is there an advantage to ECGing component geometry into the skeleton and then ECGing the same geometry to the subassemby for component design. With a large top level assemby, I could see how this would be an advantagte to open the top level up once, grab everything that I need and then place it in the skeleton. (Of course only once is in theory.) Or is it just as easy to ECG the needed geometry from the Top Level directly into each subassembly. (We have subassemblies installed in to the top level via a main vehicle coordinate system.)
Another question. I have inherited this model and the top level skeleton, actually all skeletons, were not created with the skelton module; ie., they are just parts with sketches in them. Is there a good reason to convert these to "real" ProE skeletons. I have noticed that the sketched parts come into my BOM as needed parts; but can these be deleted out of the BOM table? If they can just be deleted then it is not big deal.
Been reading thru some of the posts on TD Design and have a few questions.
Is there an advantage to ECGing component geometry into the skeleton and then ECGing the same geometry to the subassemby for component design. With a large top level assemby, I could see how this would be an advantagte to open the top level up once, grab everything that I need and then place it in the skeleton. (Of course only once is in theory.) Or is it just as easy to ECG the needed geometry from the Top Level directly into each subassembly. (We have subassemblies installed in to the top level via a main vehicle coordinate system.)
Another question. I have inherited this model and the top level skeleton, actually all skeletons, were not created with the skelton module; ie., they are just parts with sketches in them. Is there a good reason to convert these to "real" ProE skeletons. I have noticed that the sketched parts come into my BOM as needed parts; but can these be deleted out of the BOM table? If they can just be deleted then it is not big deal.