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SLDDRW Printed Sheet Size Changes

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May 1, 2001
I haven't seen this being discussed here or at comp.cad.solidworks.

Is anyone having a problem with the print size of drawings changing after you save the file? We mostly work in A and B size drawings. More than half of our B size drawings are are reverting to 8.5 x 11 paper size, even after we change it to 11x17 in:


It's not a show stopper, but very annoying. We are using SW03 SP1.0 on W2K SP3.

Wanna Tip? faq731-376
"Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities."
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I have heard mention of the plot settings not being retained after saving a file...I did see the problem but wasn't enough to bother me, I believe I heard that it was supposed to be fixed in SP 3...not sure about that...I'm on 3.1 now, just done...haven't plotted anything yet.

Alan M. Etzkorn
Hoffco/Comet Industries Inc.
I've seen this happen as well. Two different scenarios though. One scenario is the computer's printer option. I have seen this overwrite whatever was specified in the SW print properties. The other scenario was during batch printing. The SW sheet format was a custom setting instead of B-landscape or A-portrait, etc. The batch print software looks at the sheet format, and if it can determine what size it is, it prints the default. That's just what I've run into. Hope that helps.

We have got SW2003 upgraded from 2001 Plus about a month ago and I noticed this problem too. The page set up will be overwritten by just opening a drawing and saving. Only when you go to Page Setup before saving will save your setting.

I reported the problem to DDI and they have contacted with SW about a week ago, but no response so far. This is really annoying and I asked DDI if they can help to make a macro to go around, but they can't.

Is anybody able to help and write a macro for me? It doesn't have to be sophisticated. The macro sets "Scale sheet to fit paper" and "11x17" for paper size and Print. If necessary, I will go into the script and change these, so I/F is not required.

We have come across this problem as well. The thing I found really annoying was that it's not consistant. Sometimes it keeps it on "11x17" but other times it doesn't. So my work around is to not use the print icon on the toolbar and go though the menus. I just start the printer attribute everytime.

Yeah, I do exactly the same thing, all the time. I don't even think about it now.

Wanna Tip? faq731-376
"Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities."
It's consistent to me. Let me go step by step. By the way, a printer has "100%" and "letter" as a default setting.

<The problem happens>
1. Create (or open) a drawing.
2. Go to Page Setup and set &quot;Scale to fit&quot; and &quot;11x17&quot;
3. Save the drawing and close.
4. Reopen the drawing and just save, or edit and save without going to Page Setup.
5. Page Setup goes back to the default.

<To avoid the problem>
1. Create (or open) a drawing.
2. Go to Page Setup and set &quot;Scale to fit&quot; and &quot;11x17&quot;
3. Save the drawing and close.
4. Reopen the drawing, and save after going to Page Setup, or edit and save after going to Page Setup.
5. Page Setup is still &quot;Scale to fit&quot; and &quot;11x17&quot;.

A key is to go to Page Setup before saving. This is why I want a macro I am asking.
I think MechEng13 may be right. We ar eon SP3.1 and I do not recall seeing the problem. However I also always check the Page Steup/ Properties - just habit - too many flakey programs that switch the Windows Defaults for the printer, etc. Go to the SP download webpage and read the release notes to see what was fixed.

BTW: MechEng13 if you truely are on SP3, you should probably move to SP3.1 - they removed SP3 if I recall correctly.

3/4 of all the Spam produced goes to Hawaii - shame that's not true of SPAM also.......
I am on SP3.1 too and a vender (DDI) confirmed it happens on their PC as well and that's why they are contacting with SW now to fix. According to DDI, they received same complain from several companies, so I am surprised if you don't see.

Also, I am not talking about switching Windows default printer, specifically Page Setup of SolidWorks2003 SP3.1. SW overwrites a default setting (scale and paper size) if you don't open Page Setup before you save.

I found a solution as I described and it's consistent. I agree with JNR and it depends on habit, but I can't stand, so I am asking if anybody can write a macro.
I am having the same problem. SW2003 - SP1.

I had the same problem with SW2001 and 2001+ but each seemed to be corrected with SP1.

Not with SW2003.
Wish I had the time to write a macro but maybe these pieces from a macro I use for printing might help. The second to last line of code works with the printer I use for setting paper size. It should be generic, so I think it will work with yours????

Regg [smile]

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim Doc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim PageSetup As Object

Set swApp = CreateObject(&quot;SldWorks.Application&quot;)
Set Doc = swApp.ActiveDoc

'get page setup
Set PageSetup = Doc.PageSetup

'set scale to fit
PageSetup.ScaleToFit = True

'set paper size (11x17)
Doc.PrintSetup(0) = 17

'print drawing document

OHHH Thanks Regg!!!

That's exactly what I wanted. Even SW overwrites PageSetup and set them to default, I can always print by &quot;Fit to scale&quot; and &quot;11x17&quot;. This is great!!!

By the way, Regg.

Would you explain a bit about the line &quot;Doc.PrintSetup(0) = 17&quot;? I went to see HELP and read &quot;ModelDoc2::printSetup. It seems that (setupType) is zero and (VB Get property) is 17.

Now I would like to make two icons (two differnt macros) or add Input Box to be able to select letter or 11x17. How come &quot;17&quot; give me 11x17? I tried &quot;11&quot; instead of &quot;17&quot; and I got C5 size. (I thought the number indicates length of a paper)
I am on 3.1...I had heard that it was fixed in SP 3...again I don't recall seeing the problem but I don't go back to completed drawing to print them out very often. Most of the stuff I do is custom fixtures and gages...pretty cosistent in that once I am done with it, I don't look at it for a rather long time. [flush2]

Alan M. Etzkorn
Manufacturing Engineer
Hoffco/Comet Industries Inc.

There are four possible values for PrintSetup:





Their values can be found by looking in the swconst.bas located in C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\samples\appComm\ (or where ever your SolidWorks folder resides). For swPrintPaperSize the value is 0. As for the paper size value, you can also use the function to return what the paper size is set at. I simply went to File, Page Setup, set the paper size to 8.5 x 11 (Letter) and had the macro display (swApp.SendMsgToUser Doc.PrintSetup(0)) the value which is 1 (17 for 11x17). I will not try to speculate why the values are what they are other than I suspect they come from the days of DOS (hope I am not dating myself)

I hope this helps,

Regg [smile]
Dear Regg,

Thank you very much for your detail explanation.

I used to be an expert of AutoCAD lisp and I switched to I-DEAS about 8 years ago. SolidWorks is relatively new and I only have 6 months experience. I knew a bit about VB and Perl and I have just started learning SolidWorks API. I confirmed &quot;Letter&quot; selection gives me &quot;1&quot;. Addition to the custom Print macro, I will make a custom Save macro to go around the bug.

Thanks again.
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