Looking to get some opinions on a fall protection beam. We have been asked to design a fall protection beam that will be suspended from bar joists in the ceiling. The beam we're designing is approximately 250' long and will be underhung from the bar joists. The roof is sloped at 1/8" per foot, and the beam we are installing is going to run in the same direction as the roof slope. My question is this: can we design the attachment to the bar joists to be directly to the bottom chord of the bar joists, meaning the beam itself will be sloped at 1/8" per foot, or should we design the attachment to account for the slope of the roof so the beam can be install 100% level? My thought is that 1/8" per foot isn't enough for the fall protection trolley to start rolling in the event of a fall, and this method of attachment would be significantly easier for the contractor.