Does anyone use Solidworks 2000 to design boats (primarily hulls and cambered decks)?
I am having some dificulty in designing cambered decks easly. I can do it with time consuming drawing of sketches and lofting the deck as an closed extrusion.
Hull geometry is generaly imported from MaxSurf and has issues with the surfaces generated when imported. I can trim the irregularities out and again sketch and loft.
All and all the time It takes to do these things is to much.
If any one has done this type of work please help I am spinning my wheels and going nowhare.
I am having some dificulty in designing cambered decks easly. I can do it with time consuming drawing of sketches and lofting the deck as an closed extrusion.
Hull geometry is generaly imported from MaxSurf and has issues with the surfaces generated when imported. I can trim the irregularities out and again sketch and loft.
All and all the time It takes to do these things is to much.
If any one has done this type of work please help I am spinning my wheels and going nowhare.