- Feb 4, 2015
- 6
UPDATE: I think I solved this.
Switched companies and now use 3DExperience and am wanting to get Point2D coordinates in the 3D space. I can get the objects coordinates in a 2D space referenced from the sketch axis, but not from the basic axis. I used to get at this issue with the SPAWorkbench and measure function. I haven't found anything from an internet search that has solved this. Anyone on here have a good solution? Also, anyone know of an API for 3Dx? I appreciate any assistance!
I'm using Excel VBA to Get and Put points and struggling on the Get side of things.
This code did run for normal Points prior to me adding in the SPA stuff.
I was stumped for a good long while and then found a breadcrumb 30 minutes after I asked the question. That's how it works right! Corrected code shown below.
Switched companies and now use 3DExperience and am wanting to get Point2D coordinates in the 3D space. I can get the objects coordinates in a 2D space referenced from the sketch axis, but not from the basic axis. I used to get at this issue with the SPAWorkbench and measure function. I haven't found anything from an internet search that has solved this. Anyone on here have a good solution? Also, anyone know of an API for 3Dx? I appreciate any assistance!
I'm using Excel VBA to Get and Put points and struggling on the Get side of things.
This code did run for normal Points prior to me adding in the SPA stuff.
I was stumped for a good long while and then found a breadcrumb 30 minutes after I asked the question. That's how it works right! Corrected code shown below.
Sub ExportPointMain(Units As String)
' Added Reference: CATIA CATOpnsMeasureIDLItf Object Library
' to understand usage of the MeasurableService (like old SPAWorkbench)
Dim convertfct As String
If Units = "in" Then
convertfct = 25.4
convertfct = 1
End If
' V5R12 - Create dedicate openBody for created geometry
Dim CATIA As Object
Set objWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
Set objsheet = objWorkbook.Sheets("ExportFromCatia")
Dim cmdrtn As String
'Exporting point coordinates to the excel using multiselection and for loop
Dim oSel
'Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveEditor.Selection
Dim MeasureServ
Set MeasureServ = CATIA.ActiveEditor.GetService("MeasurableService") ' set TheSPAWorkbench
'Set TheSPAWorkbench = CATIA.ActiveDocument.GetWorkbench("SPAWorkbench") ' set TheSPAWorkbench
Dim Filter(1)
Filter(0) = "Point"
Filter(1) = "Point2D"
Dim F_Point As String
'F_Point = oSel.SelectElement3(Filter, "Select points for coordinate export", False, CATMultiSelectionMode.CATMultiSelTriggWhenUserValidatesSelection, False)
F_Point = oSel.SelectElement3(Filter, "Select points for coordinate export", False, 2, False)
Dim coords(2) As Variant
Dim TheMeaurable
For X = 1 To oSel.Count
Set Point = oSel.Item(X).Value
'If oSel.Item(X).Type = "Point2D" Then
'Function GetMeasurable(iMeasuredItem As AnyObject, iType As CATMeasurableType) As MeasurableInContext
Set TheMeasurable = MeasureServ.GetMeasurable(Point, 8) ' set Measurable with reference
cmdrtn = TheMeasurable.GetPoint(coords(0), coords(1), coords(2)) ' get coordinates from Measurable
' cmdrtn = Point.getcoordinates(coords)
'End If
objsheet.Cells(4 + X, 4) = oSel.Item(X).Value.Name
objsheet.Cells(4 + X, 1) = coords(0) / convertfct
objsheet.Cells(4 + X, 2) = coords(1) / convertfct
objsheet.Cells(4 + X, 3) = coords(2) / convertfct
Next 'x
End Sub