- May 17, 2005
- 6
I am involved in a major oil/gas project, where the pipelines traverse rough terrain. There is a lot of earthworks, and consequently a lot of construction spoil. The spoil has been simply end-dumped into spoil tips, in a general saturated condition, and with zero foundation preparation or clearing/grubbing. In addition, most of these tips are on sloping ground, above river courses. There has been a quick-fix, (surface grading and benching),to make them look good environmentally, but they are still showing signs of failure, (tension cracks and slumps). I have recommended that all major tips be completely reconstructed and properly engineered, by removal and re-construction. This should include proper foundation preparation (clearing and benching into the hillside), placing the spoil in compacted layers, with gravel drainage layers and geotextile, berms, surface drainage, instrumentation (inclinometers, piezometers, survey markers), and then hydroseeding/planting. The contractor refuses to accept this. What do members think?