- May 21, 2003
- 8
Land Developing is a subject that really interests me....Although not competent in site design....I am thinking about dedicating some time to learning this subject and the art of developing land
Assume I have a PE liscense and sufficient overhead funds are availiable....What is the best way to become a land developer
Is it worth extra time to pick up a survey liscence as well as a PE?....Will a surveying liscense be worth it's weight in gold when I get into land developing....or is it better to contract this service out
Some rich guy once told me...Don't try to learn everything....Let someone else learn everything and hire them cheap
Seems like the developer makes the big bucks...the engineer get a piece of the pie....and the surveyor grabs a piece as well...but the developer turns the big profit
Is there any engineers that buy/design/construct out there?
What do you think about the future of this business?