- Dec 3, 2020
- 60
Hello. I am trying to perform Stress Linearization as per ASME Sec VIII Div 2 Part 5 rules for Plastic Collapse failure check for the first time and I was looking forward to some guidance. I have gone through the past discussions on the subject and the formulas to perform the stress linearization. I am using SimScale software for the FEA Analysis. I extracted the .pvd file and now I am post processing results in Paraview by creating a Line and viewing the nodal values of the stresses across that line. I have the following question:
- As I understand (please correct me if I am wrong), we need to calculate membrane and bending stress components for each of the 6 stress tensor components. For this, I would want a raw value of the stress component at each node (for example σxx, σyy and so on). I wanted to ask what order shoudl they be in Paraview and how can I transform them to local coordinate system tangential, hoop and meridonial?
Appreciate some detailed insight and help in this regards. Thanks.
- As I understand (please correct me if I am wrong), we need to calculate membrane and bending stress components for each of the 6 stress tensor components. For this, I would want a raw value of the stress component at each node (for example σxx, σyy and so on). I wanted to ask what order shoudl they be in Paraview and how can I transform them to local coordinate system tangential, hoop and meridonial?
Appreciate some detailed insight and help in this regards. Thanks.