- Jul 14, 2003
- 11
Let's say you have a small continuous strip footing (wall footing), with a very nominal (small) load. Something like 16" wide x 12" deep with an 8" CMU wall bearing upon the footing.
Granted you'll have at least 2 continuous #4 bars longitudinally, but is it really necessary to have transverse bars perpendicular to the longintudinal steel? Do the shrinkage & temperature requirements apply here, even though the footing is below frost depth? Granted there is shrinkage taking place during drying/curing, but it seems a small issue given the small cross section of the footing.
The ACI code doesn't seem to properly address this type of situation. Upon reviewing similar constr. docs. on various projects, sometimes the transverse bars will be spec'd, sometimes not.
Of course, the contractor never wants to put these in, and many times they just leave them out.
This is a question I've been trying to answer for some time, but cannot find any definitive info.
I welcome anyone's input.