Hi all, new to the forum and any forum actually so please bear with me.
We have an offshore superduplex project relating to manufacture of desalination equipment.
The end user has their own set of specifications which are in addition to the requirements of our current ASME IX PQR’s.
Therefore we are having to re submit coupons in retropect to undergo additional G48 corrosion testing amongst other testing. All in all, across two PQRs I have 16 welder qualifications which need to retested.
We have never had an issue previously passing SDSS quals but previously have never had to undergo the additional tests.
I have two concerns, first being gas -our RWC has always used a 97,5%argon 2.5% Co2 shielding mix and pure argon backing.
It seems a lot of people say to optimise corrosion resistance there should be a 2% nitrogen addition?
This would mean our PQRs would need to be done from scratch, can I ask people’s thoughts on this ?
Although regarding cleaning the coupon welds after the procedures, would you wire brush (st/st) , acid pickle, or use an electropolishing set like the tig brush, which I believe pickles and passivates and may leave a cleaner surface less susceptible to pitting?
I believe just pickling using Antox (+neutraliser) and leaving to air passivate for 24hrs has been our previous approach.
I Would greatly appreciate input, I’m not a welder and SDSS only accounts for a small% of our companies production.
Naturally I want to learn as much as possible.
Thanks in advance.
We have an offshore superduplex project relating to manufacture of desalination equipment.
The end user has their own set of specifications which are in addition to the requirements of our current ASME IX PQR’s.
Therefore we are having to re submit coupons in retropect to undergo additional G48 corrosion testing amongst other testing. All in all, across two PQRs I have 16 welder qualifications which need to retested.
We have never had an issue previously passing SDSS quals but previously have never had to undergo the additional tests.
I have two concerns, first being gas -our RWC has always used a 97,5%argon 2.5% Co2 shielding mix and pure argon backing.
It seems a lot of people say to optimise corrosion resistance there should be a 2% nitrogen addition?
This would mean our PQRs would need to be done from scratch, can I ask people’s thoughts on this ?
Although regarding cleaning the coupon welds after the procedures, would you wire brush (st/st) , acid pickle, or use an electropolishing set like the tig brush, which I believe pickles and passivates and may leave a cleaner surface less susceptible to pitting?
I believe just pickling using Antox (+neutraliser) and leaving to air passivate for 24hrs has been our previous approach.
I Would greatly appreciate input, I’m not a welder and SDSS only accounts for a small% of our companies production.
Naturally I want to learn as much as possible.
Thanks in advance.