- Sep 14, 2007
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In my department we have 36 machines running over 4 crews. I want to estimate the non operational time, a % value, in the department. You can assume that the machines are similar. In order to do a baseline NOT study I will pick 4 machines for each crew and observe them for 6 hours each (4 machines * 4 crews * 6 hrs each = 96 hours). This is very time and labor-intensive. Once, I have the baseline I want to do NOT time studies every six months--but I do not want to spend so much time. One idea could be to randomly select machines for 30 minute time intervals and note down the NOT this for 10-12 machines (I will use statistics to calculate my sample size), for each crew. Are there other suggestions? My goal is to accurately estimate the NOT in the department due to mechanical problems, shortage of materials from supply, and other small delays.