Pavan Kumar
- Aug 27, 2019
- 374
Hi All,
I want to calculate the time to rupture for a ASME F&D Head of a Shell and tube Heat Exchanger when exposed to external fire. The shell side fluid is Boiler Feed water while the tube side is Process gas. I am performing an external fire scenario on the tube side to determine the time to rupture, wall temperature at rupture stress and the relief load if a pressure relief device needs to be installed to depressurize the tube side to delay the rupture. API 521 7th Edn Section provides the calculation methodology for calculating the relief given the exposed surface area, wall temperature and the relief temperature.
The dimensions of the heat exchanger indicates that I need to consider only the bottom head and the shell exposed surface area to calculate the relief load(using conservative approach). The heads are made from 1/2" thick SA-240 316 plate (UNS S31600). From ASME Sec 2 Part D from the Allowable Stress tables for this material the maximum temperature up to which the stress values are given is at 825 Deg C(1517 Deg F) at which the allowable stress value is 8.05 MPa(1167.87) psi, see pages attached. So 1167.87 psi is the rupture stress and 1517 Deg F is the wall temperature at rupture. My questions are:
1. Does this way of evaluating the rupture stress make sense and if yes can any one share the rupture stress vs. time to rupture curve for this material.
2. Can I use the wall temperature calculated above to calculate the relief load.
Your guidance will be very helpful to me.
Thanks and Regards,
Pavan Kumar
I want to calculate the time to rupture for a ASME F&D Head of a Shell and tube Heat Exchanger when exposed to external fire. The shell side fluid is Boiler Feed water while the tube side is Process gas. I am performing an external fire scenario on the tube side to determine the time to rupture, wall temperature at rupture stress and the relief load if a pressure relief device needs to be installed to depressurize the tube side to delay the rupture. API 521 7th Edn Section provides the calculation methodology for calculating the relief given the exposed surface area, wall temperature and the relief temperature.
The dimensions of the heat exchanger indicates that I need to consider only the bottom head and the shell exposed surface area to calculate the relief load(using conservative approach). The heads are made from 1/2" thick SA-240 316 plate (UNS S31600). From ASME Sec 2 Part D from the Allowable Stress tables for this material the maximum temperature up to which the stress values are given is at 825 Deg C(1517 Deg F) at which the allowable stress value is 8.05 MPa(1167.87) psi, see pages attached. So 1167.87 psi is the rupture stress and 1517 Deg F is the wall temperature at rupture. My questions are:
1. Does this way of evaluating the rupture stress make sense and if yes can any one share the rupture stress vs. time to rupture curve for this material.
2. Can I use the wall temperature calculated above to calculate the relief load.
Your guidance will be very helpful to me.
Thanks and Regards,
Pavan Kumar