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User element subroutine VUEL in Fortran 90

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Jan 25, 2011
Dear Sir/Madam:

I am developing an element user subroutine (VUEL).
I have a Windows 7, 64 bit machine, and I am compiling using Intel Fortran 2011.
I am testing the possibility to run a VUEL with ABAQUS using a example available from the ABAQUS documentation. It is called: vuel_truss.for, and it is written in Fortran 77. The input file is called vuel_truss_3d_1el.inp. When I use these two files everything works in both cases, when I generate the object file and then I run ABAQUS, or when I just run the fortran subroutine from ABAQUS. Now I am trying to convert vuel_truss.for in Fortran 90, because I want to write mi VUEL in Fortran 90. I am able to generate the object file specifing that I need the "-free" format for the compilation using the command: "ifort -free vuel_truss.for". When I try to run the analysis from the object file I have the error:

C:\Users\oaklandmmi2\Desktop\Andrea\Research & Development\LDPM for ABAQUS\MMI\2
011-01-14 vuel_truss_3d_1el from ifort\Fortran 90\for>abq6101 interactive job=te
st input=vuel_truss_3d_1el user=vuel_truss.obj
Abaqus JOB test
Abaqus 6.10-1
Begin Linking Single Precision Abaqus/Explicit User Subroutines
2/22/2011 9:35:24 PM
Creating library explicitU.lib and object explicitU.exp
End Linking Single Precision Abaqus/Explicit User Subroutines
2/22/2011 9:35:24 PM
Begin Linking Single Precision Abaqus/Package User Subroutines
2/22/2011 9:35:24 PM
Creating library explicitU.lib and object explicitU.exp
End Linking Single Precision Abaqus/Package User Subroutines
2/22/2011 9:35:24 PM
Begin Analysis Input File Processor
2/22/2011 9:35:24 PM
Run pre.exe
Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses:
Abaqus/Explicit checked out 5 tokens.
<29 out of 40 licenses remain available>.
2/22/2011 9:35:27 PM
End Analysis Input File Processor
Begin Abaqus/Explicit Packager
2/22/2011 9:35:27 PM
Run package.exe
Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses:
Abaqus/Explicit checked out 5 tokens.
<29 out of 40 licenses remain available>.
Abaqus/Explicit 6.10-1 DATE 22-Feb-2011 TIME 21:35:28

***ERROR: There is no element available in the model to control the stable
time increment for Step 1. Please add a deformable element to
control the stable time increment. Alternatively, you can use DIRECT
TIME INCREMENTATION to perform the analysis at a user specified time

2/22/2011 9:35:29 PM
Abaqus Error: Abaqus/Explicit Packager exited with an error - Please see the
status file for possible error messages if the file exists.
Abaqus/Analysis exited with errors

C:\Users\oaklandmmi2\Desktop\Andrea\Research & Development\LDPM for ABAQUS\MMI\2
011-01-14 vuel_truss_3d_1el from ifort\Fortran 90\for>

If I run the vuel_truss.for file I have a bunch of compiling errors if I do not add the flag '-free' in the compile fortran section:

compile_fortran=['ifort', '/c','/DABQ_WIN86_64', '-free',
'/recursive', '/Qauto-scalar', '/QxW', '/nologo', '/Od', '/include:%I']

what I observe also is that there is some difference in the dimension of the two object files generated from the Fortran 77 and 90 files.
To summarize, I would like to know how to make work Fortran 90 subroutine with ABAQUS.


See file here:


A one element truss along global x-axis modeled using user defined element.
The element is coded in "vuel_truss.for".
Geometrically Nonlinear, No mass scaling
1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
*Nset, Nset=AllNodes
*Nset, Nset=LeftNode
*nset, nset=qa_test_leftnode
*Nset, Nset=RightNode
*nset, nset=qa_test_rightnode
*User Element, Nodes=2, Type=VU2, Properties=4, Coordinates=3, Variables=2
1, 2, 3
*Element, Type=VU2, Elset=AllElements
1, 1, 2
*Uel Property, Elset=AllElements
<CsArea>, <YoungsMod>, <PoissonRatio>, <Density>
LeftNode, 1, 3, 0.0
RightNode, 2, 3, 0.0
*Amplitude, Name=LoadAmp, Definition=Smooth Step
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
*Dynamic, Explicit, Element
, 1.0
*Bulk Viscosity
0.0, 0.0
*Cload, Amplitude=LoadAmp
RightNode, 1, 1.0e6
*Output, Field, Var=Preselect
*Output, History, Freq=1
*Node Output, Nset=AllNodes
U1, V1, A1, RF1
*node output, nset=qa_test_leftnode
*node output, nset=qa_test_rightnode
*Energy Output
*End Step

vuel_truss.for (in Fortran 90)

! user element for truss along the X global axis
subroutine vuel( nblock, &
! to be defined
rhs,amass,dtimeStable, &
svars,nsvars, &
energy, &
nnode,ndofel,props,nprops, &
jprops,njprops,coords,ncrd, &
u,du,v,a, &
jtype,jelem, &
time,period,dtimeCur,dtimePrev,kstep,kinc,lflags, &
dMassScaleFactor, &
predef,npredef,jdltyp,adlmag )

include ''

parameter ( zero = 0.d0, half = 0.5d0, one = 1.d0, two=2.d0 )

! operation code
parameter ( jMassCalc = 1, &
jIntForceAndDtStable = 2, &
jExternForce = 3 )

! flags
parameter ( iProcedure = 1, &
iNlgeom = 2, &
iOpCode = 3, &
nFlags = 3)

! time
parameter (iStepTime = 1, &
iTotalTime = 2, &
nTime = 2 )

! procedure flags
parameter ( jDynExplicit = 17 )

! energies
parameter ( iElPd = 1, &
iElCd = 2, &
iElIe = 3, &
iElTs = 4, &
iElDd = 5, &
iElBv = 6, &
iElDe = 7, &
iElHe = 8, &
iElKe = 9, &
iElTh = 10, &
iElDmd = 11, &
iElDc = 12, &
nElEnergy = 12)

! predefined variables
parameter ( iPredValueNew = 1, &
iPredValueOld = 2, &
nPred = 2 )

! indexing in a 3-long vector

parameter (factorStable = 0.99d0)

dimension rhs( nblock,ndofel), amass(nblock,ndofel,ndofel), &
dtimeStable(nblock), &
svars(nblock,nsvars), energy(nblock,nElEnergy), &
props(nprops), jprops(njprops), &
jelem(nblock), time(nTime), lflags(nFlags), &
coords(nblock,nnode,ncrd), u(nblock,ndofel), &
du(nblock,ndofel), v(nblock,ndofel), a(nblock, ndofel), &
dMassScaleFactor(nblock), &
predef(nblock, nnode, npredef, nPred), adlmag(nblock)

! VUEL subroutine for a truss element along the global X-axis only
! superimposed with rotations at both ends
! Limitations:
! It will not work if motions along another direction other than X
! Nodes must be noncoincident
! Notes:
! Define only nonzero entries; the arrays to be defined have
! been zeroed out just before this call
! for jInternForceOnly, one can use state vars to
! compute initial forces at time zero (prestress)

if (jtype .eq. 2 .and. lflags(iProcedure).eq.jDynExplicit) then
area0 = props(1)
eMod = props(2)
anu = props(3)
rho = props(4)

eDampTra = zero
amassFact0 = half*area0*rho

if ( lflags(iOpCode).eq.jMassCalc ) then
do kblock = 1, nblock

! use original distance to compute mass
alenX0 = (coords(kblock,2,1) - coords(kblock,1,1))
alenY0 = (coords(kblock,2,2) - coords(kblock,1,2))
alenZ0 = (coords(kblock,2,3) - coords(kblock,1,3))
alen0 = sqrt(alenX0*alenX0 + alenY0*alenY0 +alenZ0*alenZ0)
am0 = amassFact0*alen0
amass(kblock,1,1) = am0
amass(kblock,2,2) = am0
amass(kblock,3,3) = am0
amass(kblock,4,4) = am0
amass(kblock,5,5) = am0
amass(kblock,6,6) = am0

end do
else if ( lflags(iOpCode) .eq. jIntForceAndDtStable) then
do kblock = 1, nblock
alenX0 = (coords(kblock,2,1) - coords(kblock,1,1))
alenY0 = (coords(kblock,2,2) - coords(kblock,1,2))
alenZ0 = (coords(kblock,2,3) - coords(kblock,1,3))
alen0 = sqrt(alenX0*alenX0 + alenY0*alenY0 +alenZ0*alenZ0)
vol0 = area0*alen0
amElem0 = two*amassFact0*alen0
alen = sqrt(alenX*alenX + alenY*alenY + alenZ*alenZ)
area = vol0/alen
ak = area*eMod/alen

! undamped stable time increment for translations
dtTrialTransl = sqrt(amElem0/ak)

! damped stable time increment; since eDampTra=0, the
! stable time increment does not change because of damping
critDampTransl = two*sqrt(amElem0*ak)
csiTra = eDampTra/critDampTransl
factDamp = sqrt(one+csiTra*csiTra) - csiTra
dtTrialTransl = dtTrialTransl*factDamp*factorStable
dtimeStable(kblock) = dtTrialTransl

! force = E * logarithmic strain *current area
strainLog = log(alen/alen0)
fElasTra = eMod*strainLog*area

forceTra = fElasTra

! assemble internal load in RHS
rhs(kblock,1) = -forceTra
rhs(kblock,4) = forceTra

! internal energy calculation
alenOld = svars(kblock,1)
fElasTraOld = svars(kblock,2)

energy(kblock, iElIe) = energy(kblock, iElIe) + half*(fElasTra+fElasTraOld)*(alen - alenOld)

! update state variables
svars(kblock,1) = alen
svars(kblock,2) = fElasTra

end do
else if ( lflags(iOpCode) .eq. jExternForce) then
if (jdltyp.eq.123) then
do kblock = 1, nblock
rhs(kblock,4) = adlmag(kblock)
end do
end if
end if
end if

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