- Oct 23, 2017
- 2
What is the current thinking on concrete slabs on vented metal deck for parking garages? (Assume that I am using slab on deck one way or another. Not cast-in-place, post-tensioned, etc.) I am aware that vented deck was recommended years ago, but it was my understanding these decks have been found to not perform well because it encourages the moisture to move through the bottom of the slab, causing corrosion and dripping on cars below. I have thought that non-vented deck with a breathable sealer or membrane was the preferred system these days. Also, SDI's position seems to be that vented deck is to allow moisture to escape the slab as the concrete cures, not to let rain and melting snow move through the slab after the sealer fails. Two very different things. I have been given a recommendation to use a membrane on vented deck, citing a reference that is almost 15 years old. I'm not sure if this is good advice or perhaps outdated. Thanks!