Da CnS Engr
- Sep 6, 2021
- 10

Hi everyone,
I'm new to EPANET and am trying to run a analysis for a project. Attached are the pipeline layout and EPANET file.
1. 159 single residential units, 3.3m roof height, 1500 litres/unit/day
2. With fire hydrant
3. Tapping from existing 400mm DI pipe, min. pressure of 10m
My Input:
1. A reservoir to represent the existing 400mm DI pipe, with head of 10m.
2. Water demand = 1500x159x1.25(non-revenue water)=298125 litres/day = 3.45 litres/sec
- I inserted 3.45l/s for every node (Or should I separate based on how many units the nodes are catering for? e.g. 32 units between node A & B, so just input the base demand for the 32 units into Node A & B)
- I obtained an average head of 5+ metres
3. Need to account for "Avg. Daily Demand", "Maximum Daily Demand" and "Fireflow + Avg. Daily Demand". How do I do this? I dont see any fire hydrant icon.
Can any EPANET users help to have a look at my model? Thank you.