- Nov 13, 2002
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I am operating a large number of jacketted vessels at 1425F, with the inner vessel containing a lethal substance. These vessels have an inner lining of mild steel (.75"
, and an outer vessel being T316L (0.5"
. There is a gap between the jackets ranging from 1/8" to 1/4". The ends of the vessel are dished ellipsoidal heads that were formed on a spindled roll machine. The spin holes are sometimes 1", sometimes 1.5", and very rarely around 2". We have found what appears to be a process change at the fabricator. On our older vessels, the mild steel spin hole and stainless steel spin hole were filled individually and seperately, although filled entirely with weld filler metal. They appear to have used fluxed core welding rods, as there was some remnant slag/flux visible between the two "filler plugs" as I'll call them. Even with this design, the inner mild steel filler plug would fail and leak a lethal molten salt into the gap between the vessels, but usually after a high number of hours of service. This leak is not catostrophic, as the mild steel holds the molten salt for a long enough period of time that we usually catch the failure before the a leak to the outside of the stainless steel (atmosphere) (we see stuff in our process data).
Question #1 - Any obvious violations in the Pressure Vessel code here ?
Now, for the process change. Our latest batch of vessels from the fabricator have been found to have a one piece plug which fills both the spin hole in the inner mild steel and the outer stainless jacket. Again, the fill was done with all filler metal, and no wrought plug. The welder started laying in flux core wire on the inner mild steel pot. He then went to the outside of the stainless vessel, and using the mild steel weld metal as his backing, began laying in T309 filler metal (again, with flux core wire). As he got nearer to the outside of the stainless vessel, he switched to T316L flux core weld rods, and layed in filler metal to he had a blob sticking out of the outer stainless vessel. He then used a die grinder to smooth out both the stainless side and mild steel sides of the filler-metal plug. We "visibly" inspected the welds after grinding.
Question #2 : Do you see violations of the pressure vessel code here
There's a couple of things that come to mind - visible inspection is not sufficient - it should have been dye penetrant tested. Now that the filler metal plug is connecting the inner vessel to the stainless jacket, it meets the criteria of a welded stay. Does a welded stay have more rules that apply. The intermixing of weld metals has been proven to produce some very low chrome/nickel dilutions, such that brittle phases were formed (martensite). Are there hard rules about welding stainless to common steel to minimize dilution and prevent brittle phase formation ? Another problem is that the fabricator did not account for the stainless jacket expanding more at 1425F than the mild steel, and this resulted in stress buildup on the plug. There was also trapped air in the dished heads which expanded at 1425F. Both of the issues lead to stress applied to the weld-metal filler plug. In some cases, the plug was yanked out of the mild steel spin hole, in other cases the plug yanked out of the stainless spin hole, in some cases the plug fractured horizontally, and some cases are mixes of all three. We had a few leakages of the lethal molten salt, but no one was hurt, and no serious external damage occurred, although some vessels are trashed.
Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.
Question #1 - Any obvious violations in the Pressure Vessel code here ?
Now, for the process change. Our latest batch of vessels from the fabricator have been found to have a one piece plug which fills both the spin hole in the inner mild steel and the outer stainless jacket. Again, the fill was done with all filler metal, and no wrought plug. The welder started laying in flux core wire on the inner mild steel pot. He then went to the outside of the stainless vessel, and using the mild steel weld metal as his backing, began laying in T309 filler metal (again, with flux core wire). As he got nearer to the outside of the stainless vessel, he switched to T316L flux core weld rods, and layed in filler metal to he had a blob sticking out of the outer stainless vessel. He then used a die grinder to smooth out both the stainless side and mild steel sides of the filler-metal plug. We "visibly" inspected the welds after grinding.
Question #2 : Do you see violations of the pressure vessel code here
There's a couple of things that come to mind - visible inspection is not sufficient - it should have been dye penetrant tested. Now that the filler metal plug is connecting the inner vessel to the stainless jacket, it meets the criteria of a welded stay. Does a welded stay have more rules that apply. The intermixing of weld metals has been proven to produce some very low chrome/nickel dilutions, such that brittle phases were formed (martensite). Are there hard rules about welding stainless to common steel to minimize dilution and prevent brittle phase formation ? Another problem is that the fabricator did not account for the stainless jacket expanding more at 1425F than the mild steel, and this resulted in stress buildup on the plug. There was also trapped air in the dished heads which expanded at 1425F. Both of the issues lead to stress applied to the weld-metal filler plug. In some cases, the plug was yanked out of the mild steel spin hole, in other cases the plug yanked out of the stainless spin hole, in some cases the plug fractured horizontally, and some cases are mixes of all three. We had a few leakages of the lethal molten salt, but no one was hurt, and no serious external damage occurred, although some vessels are trashed.
Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.